“Dude, get over here right now! There’s a kitten!”
A group of friends went out for their classic night out and decided to go dumpster diving. While they were at it, one of them suddenly yelled that there was a cat in the dumpster!
Everyone was shocked, and they all rushed to see if the cat was still alive.

The kitten was terrified and couldn’t even move out of fear. The group was relieved and excited to see that the kitten was alive and seemingly uninjured. You can hear the excitement in their voices as one of them says in the video:
“We gotta save him!”
Afterward, they quickly rushed to get the kitten out of the smelly dumpster. In the video, one of the friends, Keith, continued talking about how many companies throw away perfectly usable items.

Sometimes they find very cool things, which is why they often go rummaging through garbage.
But this time, it was like the worst combination: broken glass, rotten eggs, and other nasty things. And in the midst of it all, this poor kitten was hiding and waiting.
“It was really upsetting to see him run around everywhere.”
They realized the kitten was terrified, so they tried to approach him cautiously, but they wanted him out of there as quickly as possible!

Soon, the kitten was backed into a corner, and one of the friends gently grabbed him with a soft blanket. They all spoke soothing words to him, and the kitten gradually calmed down.
Two girls approached to check out the situation, and as soon as they saw what the group was doing, they immediately offered to take the cat.

Keith was super proud!
“It was really cool to know that he immediately was gonna go into a great home.”
All the friends were touched by the scene, each of them asking the girls, “Will you promise to take good care of him?”
The girl who took the kitten in her arms called her mom, and Oscar – what they later named him – was on his way to a new life.

As soon as he stepped into his new home, Oscar was friendly, loving, and affectionate to everyone. As Ashley, his new ‘grandma’, says:
“He’s just so sweet. He wants attention. He wants to be by our side all the time. We literally can’t eat anything in front of Oscar. Because he will take our food.”

It seems like Oscar adapted quickly. He’s so free-spirited, and luckily, no lasting damage from his dumpster days remains. However, his love for food makes his owners think it might be because of his past.
“No matter what it is, he’ll eat anything. And I think it has something to do with the fact that he was in the dumpster and he did have to fight for food.”

Other than that, the family also has a dog, whom Oscar tries to snuggle with love, but the dog doesn’t seem too interested in all that.
The dog used to be the only pet in the house, so he’s still adjusting to Oscar. But Oscar loves having a big brother.

Oscar is so friendly and playful, and none of the family members have had any complaints about him. Ashley admitted they hadn’t planned on getting more pets, but now they can’t imagine life without him.

The kids adore him, and he adjusted to his new life from the very first day. Thanks to Keith and his friends, this little ginger furball got a new lease on life. And not only that, but he brought happiness to a large family.
And one dog… even though he still needs to work his charms to win him over!
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