I have to agree; there is truly something different and special about a gray cat with green eyes. If you think so too, then check out this list and find the breed your heart desires!
This is a rare breed with French origin. They have remarkable eyes which may appear in green colors, but also in colors such as copper or orange.
This breed originated from Thailand where they are considered a symbol of good luck. Korats are best known for their heart-shaped heads, big ears, and green eyes.
Persian cats are usually white but they may also have gray colored coats. In that case, their eyes are typically green or blue-green.
The Russian Blue cat originates from Russia, as the name states. They’re characterized by a bluish-gray coat and deep green eyes.
This is the only domestic cat breed with natural spots on its fur. Their coats are gray with spots that can be in silver, smoky, or bronze color, and they have beautiful green eyes.
Sphynx cats aren’t completely hairless. They have small hair on their extremities. However, these cats can have gray colored skin, and are often characterized by big green eyes.
Want to find out other gray cat breeds with green eyes? Just swipe up and find the one you like the most!