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Domestic Cats With Yellow Eyes

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1. Bengal Cat

Bengal cats usually have golden yellow eyes, or green eyes. However, their eye color can vary from a gray shade to a golden orange shade.

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2. British Shorthair

The eye color of these purebred cats can be yellow, orange, green, or most usually blue/aqua blue.

3. Turkish Van Kedisi

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Yellow Wavy Line

The eye color of a Turkish Van is yellow, amber to be exact.

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4. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex has a unique appearance, large eyes, big ears, and a slim body. Their eye color can be copper, yellow, blue, or green; they can also be odd-eyed.

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5. Khao Manee

The Khao Manee cat breed usually has odd-eyes, meaning one eye is usually blue and the other is yellow.

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6. Persian Cat

A white Persian cat usually has orange or yellow/gold eyes, but they can also have a green or blue eye color.

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7. American Curl

Their eye color can be yellow or gold, but also aqua, copper, green, hazel, orange, or they can be odd-eyed.

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Yellow Wavy Line

8. Japanese Bobtail

They usually have odd-colored or blue eyes, but the color can also be in variations of golden yellow, orange, or green.

More domestic cats with yellow eyes 👇

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Yellow Wavy Line