Your cat sneezing and having watery eyes is a common symptom of an allergic reaction or a common cold. But there are some other causes as well…
1. Eye Irritant• Allergen• Foreign Body• Strong Chemical
The list of allergens is pretty long, but the most common cat (and also human) allergens are:• pollen• mold• fungi• dust• food allergen• flea bites (flea toxins to be more specific)
Foreign BodyYour cat just might have something stuck in its eye such as a tiny stone or a fly. The body’s natural reaction is to produce tears to clear the eye out by watering out the foreign body.
1.Strong ChemicalThe strong chemicals in the air that come from a cleaning product can be the source of your cat’s eyes watering. The same goes for strong perfumes and wall paint!
2. Feline Upper Respiratory InfectionFeline URI is an infection of the lining of the nose, throat, and sinuses. It can be caused by either a virus or bacteria.
3. Feline RhinitiIn the case of nonallergic rhinitis, causative agents include feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, bacterial infections, fungal infections, and in rare cases cancer.
4. Conjunctivitis/ PinkeyeCan be caused by allergens, but more often bacteria such as mycoplasma or Chlamydia bacterium. Conjunctivitis can also arise due to viral infection by the herpes virus.
5. Feline GlaucomaFeline glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by the inability of the eye to properly drain the aqueous humor (a watery fluid in the front part of the eye, behind the lens).
Swipe up to learn more about the 5 things you can do to help your cat!