The scent of frying sausages in the morning makes you smile from the inside, but these yummy smells can also be tempting for your favorite feline friend.

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While we may be tempted to spoil our pets with some deli meats, we find ourselves asking: Can cats eat sausage?

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The short answer is yes, cats can eat sausage, but there are a few things cat owners need to know before feeding processed foods to their pets. First, sausage is not recommended for a cat's diet...

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Cats are obligate carnivores. This means that all cat breeds need to consume meat to be healthy. However, that does not mean it is safe if a cat eats sausage.

Cats need the proteins found in meat so that they can function correctly. Sausage meat or hot dogs are not the problem, but other additives may make processed meats unsuitable for the cat.

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Sausages are made from highly processed meat and they typically contain preservatives and artificial flavors. Many of those ingredients are not suitable for a cat's digestive system.

Here is a list of some of the additives that make sausages an unsuitable cat food: • salt • pepper • oil • fat • spice • seasoning • preservative

What May Happen If I Feed My Cat Sausage? If you have fed your cat sausage occasionally, you do not need to worry. The risks are very low with some sausage as a very occasional treat. But...

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This should not become an everyday practice because it could cause a lot of problems for your pet friend over the long term. If your cat eats sausage once in a while it probably won’t do it any harm. 

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We all want our furry friends to be happy, healthy, and playful, so we are willing to treat them right and do what is best for them. That means a balanced diet, a lot of exercise, and plenty of play.

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Therefore we should probably avoid feeding them processed meat. Sometimes cats are curious about dog food too, but it is always best if you stick with cat treats for your pet cat.

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