If you know your cat is infected with worms but you are looking for a more natural approach to deworming your cat, cat owners – I have some good news for you!
Let’s explore some natural remedies you can try giving your cat!
1. Raw Pumpkin Seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds can be used as a natural dewormer; you can give them to your cat by grinding the seeds and mixing some in with your cat’s food.
Coconut is a good source of protein for cats and some cat owners like giving dried coconut flakes to their cats as an occasional treat. Coconut also boosts a cat’s immune system and helps reduce hairballs.
6. Dried Coconut Or Coconut Oil
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used as an at-home dewormer for your cat. It slightly changes the pH of the cat’s intestines, making it unsuitable for worm development.
The best way to prevent a worm infection is to give your cat preventative medication.It’s recommended that you regularly give your cat flea prevention and worm prevention drugs.