It is a tricky question indeed. It is tricky because of its formulation. Are you asking if cats can be exclusively gay their entire life? Or are you asking if cats sometimes exhibit gay behavior?


Sexual interactions between same-sex cats are not unheard-of. But truth be told, it is pretty rare in felines. There are many species where it is common – but it can sometimes happen with cats too. 


In animals, homosexuality means same-sex behavior, including affectionate behavior, courting, copulating, and parenting (so practically the same as with humans). 


When talking about animals, it is not recommended to use “gay“, “lesbian“ or any other similar term. The reason is that these terms are usually exclusively used to describe human sexuality.


There are a few cat behaviors that can catch your attention and make you question your cat’s sexual orientation. Is my cat gay? may briefly run through your mind when you observe these:


• Tomcats mounting each other •  Female cats licking each other • Cats grooming each other’s genital • Disregarding the presence of an opposite-sex cat • Sleeping together cuddled up to one another


Cat Sexuality & Human Sexuality Cannot Be Compared. Cats do not contemplate what they’re doing sexually in the way that we humans do. They act on their instinct.


Animals often exhibit homosexual behavior – there are no animals that completely disregard the existence of the opposite sex. And most people do not regard homosexual behavior as their cat being gay.


Cat Gay Behavior such as:  • mounting • penetration • grooming • sleeping together All of this can be seen as gay behavior, but all animals, including cats, have non-productive behavior.


It can be same-sex courtship, pair-bonding, sex, and co-parenting—even instances of lifelong homosexual bonding in species that do not have lifelong heterosexual bonding. 


Cats can exhibit homosexual behaviors, such as mounting, licking, and grooming same-sex cats. But your cat being gay its entire life, without any contact with a cat of the opposite sex is unheard of.
