1. It’s Playtime!

You can try giving your cat a toy or playing with it to see if this is the case when it flops in front of you.

Yellow Dots

2. Your Cat Loves & Trusts You 

Exposing their bellies and flopping on their backs is the ultimate sign of love since cats aren’t capable of defending themselves in this position.

Yellow Dots

3. Your Cat Wants Your Attention 

Your cat might be asking for your attention because it wants to play, but it can also be because they’re hungry, or they’ve just missed you and want to talk to you.

Yellow Dots

4. Do Cats Flop Down To Cool Down? 

Absolutely! Cats will flop down, roll around, and even roll around in the dirt during hot summers.

Yellow Dots

5. Your Cat Might Be In Heat 

Female cats often flop down and meow loudly so male cats know that they are ready to mate.

Yellow Dots

6. Your Cat Is Leaving A Mark 

Cats have scent glands in many places on their bodies, and by rubbing them, they release pheromones, which mark their territory.

Yellow Dots

7. Cat Flop Cleaning Session 

The dirt they are rolling around in can remove more persistent filth or excess oils in the underlayers of their coats. Then they can clean dirt that’s left more easily.

Yellow Dots

8. Cuddle Time Please! 

Cats indicate their needs in different ways, and this is true of their need for cuddles too. Your cat might purr loudly, jump into your lap, or flop down in front of you.

Yellow Dots

9. Did Someone Say Catnip? 

Your cat might be feeling “high” after ingesting catnip. Even if you didn’t give it to your cat, it may have ingested it from some toys or other cat products in your home.

Yellow Dots

10. Your Cat Simply Loves To Flop

They may have an itch that they’re not able to reach, or they may find that stretching their bodies provides all their muscles the stretch that they wanted.

Yellow Dots