Many people want these cats in their families because of their unique appearance and bold character. A cross-eyed Siamese cat is a real gem among cats.

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Many Siamese cats are cream or grey, you should know that their short hair coats can also be red or orange, chocolate brown, and even blue or lilac-colored.

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If we look at the traditional Siamese cat originating in Thailand, we can see that they have crossed blue eyes and long kinked tails. So why are they sometimes born with crossed eyes?

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The reason why Siamese cats have crossed eyes is due to a genetic condition called Strabismus.

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The retina, which is the innermost layer of the eye structure, is located near the optic nerve and in the center of the eye, but in the case of Strabismus, it is diverted.

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However, crossed eyes in Siamese cats really aren’t a reason for concern because the condition doesn’t necessarily affect the kitty’s quality of life.

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In some cases, crossed eyes are associated with poor depth perception and fixed peripheral vision. A Siamese cat with cross-eyed sometimes must cross her eyes in order to see clearly.

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Crossing their eyes is just something that they do, and they don’t feel uncomfortable doing it because it feels completely natural to them.

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A fun fact is that some cat owners specifically seek out the Siamese cat cross-eyed variety because of their unique resemblance to the traditional Siamese cat.

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If you properly socialize your Siamese kitten it could be the most playful and friendliest cat you ever came across. Be it cross-eyed, or not.

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Read more:   4 Main Types Of Siamese Cats That You Will Adore

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Ragdoll Vs. Siamese Cats, Is Beauty Their Only Similarity?

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