Your cat isn’t able to tell you what’s wrong with it, so you have to be vigilant and pay close attention to any unusual behavior to discover potential problems it may have.

Main Causes Of Brown Liquid Discharge

1. Diarrhea 2. Gastrointestinal Issue 3. Anal Sac Disorder

1. Diarrhea

Diarrhea may occur due to food irritation or various infections.  How to treat diarrhea? Don’t worry – it’s not usually serious.


If your cat has diarrhea, you should give it a lot of water to prevent dehydration. Maintaining a healthy diet is also very important.  Contact your vet if diarrhea doesn't stop within 48 to 72 hours.


2. Gastrointestinal Issues

Gastrointestinal symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and even weight loss. If your cat behaves unusually or has any of these symptoms, you should visit the vet.

3. Anal Sac Disorder

Anal sacs, also called anal glands, are small pouches located on each side of the anus, which is the cat’s rectal opening.


These glands produce fluid that helps them mark their territory with a unique scent, and they provide lubrication with a small amount of anal fluid when a cat has a bowel movement.

These anal sacs may become irritated or infected by the bacteria from feces, causing your cat to leak brown discharge.  There are several symptoms of this disorder if you want to learn more click below.

If your cat continues leaking brown fluid and it doesn’t stop within a day or two, you should contact your vet and take your cat for a checkup. It is important to tell the vet all of your cat’s symptoms.