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Severely Burned Cat Barely Survives The Fire, Family Finds Her Four Days Later

Severely Burned Cat Barely Survives The Fire, Family Finds Her Four Days Later

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After the terrible ‘Gray Fire’ tore through Medical Lake, Washington, Jamie DeAndre and her daughter Jasmine were scared that they had lost much more than just their home. They worried about their beloved cat and the life they had built there.

As they evacuated, their beloved cat, Meows, went missing, leaving them heartbroken. Despite the chaos, Jamie held onto hope, convinced that her tough little feline had somehow survived. As she told KREM 2:

“I wasn’t too worried because she’s a really tough cat. I had a feeling she had found her way to safety.”

cat with burn injuries
Source: KREM 2

In an incredible twist of fate, four days after the fire ravaged their home, Meows was found alive under the rubble. Though severely injured, she had somehow managed to survive the intense heat and destruction, as Jamie recalled:

“She’s a true miracle… When I think about everything she went through, it’s hard to believe. It was a really intense situation. It breaks my heart knowing she was trapped out there for four days under all that debris. When we found her, the smell of rotten flesh was overpowering.”

injured black cat
Source: KREM 2

They rushed her to the vet trying to remain positive, but Meows’ injuries were severe. The tips of both her ears and part of her tail were severely damaged and had to be amputated. 

However, her thick fur had shielded her from more critical damage, and miraculously, her lungs were unharmed.

burned black cat
Source: KREM 2

The medical bills to save Meows totaled over $6,000, but the community rallied behind the family, donating generously to cover the costs. 

owner and burned cat
Source: KREM 2

After spending over three weeks in the ICU, the hospital staff affectionately nicknamed her the ‘miracle kitty.’ Finally, she began her recovery.

woman and burned cat
Source: KREM 2

Now, Meows is finally healthy enough to go home. Even though they lost their house, Jamie and Jasmine found a rental with a safe and spacious backyard where Meows can explore once she fully recovers.

woman, kid and black cat
Source: KREM 2

Meows’ miraculous recovery is truly a heartwarming silver lining. Despite everything, they can now begin rebuilding their lives together.

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