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US Cat Senses Panic Attack Before It Strikes, Becoming Her Owner’s Hero

US Cat Senses Panic Attack Before It Strikes, Becoming Her Owner’s Hero

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Our feline friends are not only good cuddle buddies, but purrfessional doctors, too. Their purring can benefit both our mental and physical health by reducing blood pressure, healing infections, reducing swelling, aiding in bone recovery, and so on.

In today’s story, one special cat demonstrates her remarkable ability to sense and help her human cope with panic attacks. 

Meet Moosie, a loving tabby cat who adores her owner, Jeanne Schurman, and is dedicated to keeping her happy and healthy.

Sweet Moosie came into Jeanne’s life as a kitten, not more than weeks old. Jeanne found her wandering the streets of her hometown, all alone.

Right then and there, she decided to welcome the tiny feline into her family, and the two connected instantly, forming a bond that would never be broken.

Since then, Jeanne and Moosie have enjoyed a wonderful life together, but a couple of years ago, Jeanne began suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. 

While medication mostly kept her symptoms at bay, it was Moosie who stepped in to help her relax when no medicine was available. 

Jeanne has always been grateful for her feline companion, but one incident, in particular, underscored just how essential Moosie was to her well-being.

One ordinary day, while relaxing at home, Jeanne noticed Moosie meowing unusually loudly and rubbing against her leg. 

Assuming Moosie was just hungry, Jeanne offered her favorite treats, but Moosie ignored them and continued her insistent behavior.

Feeling tired and lightheaded, Jeanne initially dismissed her cat’s dramatic actions. However, Moosie’s persistence prompted Jeanne to pick her up. 

Holding Moosie, who immediately started purring and kneading her shoulder, Jeanne felt increasingly dizzy and decided to sit down, still holding Moosie in her arms.

At that point, the clever feline did something she had never done before. Jeanne recounted:

“She laid on my chest, put her paws on either side of my neck, and continued to knead, while the purring got stronger. Eventually, I calmed down and she kept her eyes on me until the panic attack subsided. Then she turned and laid on my lap.”

That day, Moosie seemed to sense an impending panic attack, bravely taking matters into her own paws and helping Jeanne relax – like a true feline heroine!

With each subsequent episode, Moosie was by her owner’s side, ready to assist, proving herself more than just a pet. 

Reflecting on Moosie’s impact, Jeanne shared:

“Nothing calms me more than her purr, her kneads, and her looks. Not sure how I could deal with these episodes without her right by me. They say animals know, and I’m here to say, ‘Yes they do!’”

After hearing this touching story, I couldn’t help but give a big forehead kiss to all my cats, feeling immensely grateful for their presence in my life – and I’m sure you feel the same way about your own fur babies.

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