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Hissing Stray Cat Gets A Second Chance After Years Of Surviving The Harsh Streets

Hissing Stray Cat Gets A Second Chance After Years Of Surviving The Harsh Streets

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Cats who spend a lifetime on the streets, having to fend for themselves, often struggle to adapt to indoor life. But once they experience true love and care, anything is possible. 

That was exactly the case of Big Ben. He was so scared and depressed when he first arrived at the shelter, but when he met his perfect match, he left everyone in awe.

stray cat
Credit: Sandy Howden

Big Ben had lived as a community cat for years, enduring the harsh realities of street life. For most of that time, he resided in a school, where the local community looked after him. However, this was not a long-term solution.

Big Ben needed a transformation and, most importantly, a loving home where he could spend the rest of his life in comfort. The first challenge was catching him.

Thanks to the volunteers from a local animal shelter, Big Ben was quickly brought to safety. He was one step closer to a better life, but he still wasn’t ready to come out of his shell.

sleepy cat
Credit: Sandy Howden

Upon arrival at the shelter, Big Ben was frightened and depressed. He huddled in the corner of his kennel, hissing at everyone who passed by.

Fortunately, the shelter staff knew that behind those scared eyes was a loving soul who just couldn’t wait to be loved. In fact, it’s normal for cats to be scared when they change their surroundings.

cat lying
Credit: Sandy Howden

Big Ben was provided with the necessary care and examination, which revealed he was positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Given the years he spent living on the street, this wasn’t surprising. 

However, FIV wouldn’t stop him from living a normal life, as long as he remained an indoor cat. The plan was clear – find Big Ben a loving home where he could finally thrive.

photo of stray cat
Credit: Sandy Howden

Unfortunately, visitors at the shelter often overlooked Big Ben, choosing younger cats and kittens instead. This made Big Ben even more depressed, and his future seemed uncertain.

But the shelter staff refused to give up on him. They continued their search for the right home, and one day, their persistence paid off. The shelter shared Big Ben’s story online, and he received overwhelming support. 

cat indoors
Credit: Amber

Soon, they received an application from a woman named Amber, who had seen Big Ben’s post and instantly fell in love with him. The shelter shared in an interview:

“Ben instantly stole her heart, and she started preparing a room for him before even hearing back from the shelter.”

After reviewing the application, the shelter knew they had found the perfect match. Once everything was arranged, Big Ben was sent to his new home, and the shelter hoped for the best.

Fortunately, Big Ben didn’t hesitate to leave his old life behind. Upon arriving at his new home, he slowly emerged from the carrier, ready to embrace his new life. 

cat and dog on couch
Credit: Amber

From that moment on, Big Ben’s life underwent an incredible transformation. Amber shared:

“Big Ben is in his happily ever after. I think it’s safe to say he isn’t sad anymore. He’s made so much improvement.”

Today, Big Ben is living his best life with Amber and his canine brother, Max. Their bond grows stronger each day, and Ben is curious about Max’s every move.

From a scared, depressed, and hissing cat, Big Ben has blossomed into a friendly and content feline, proving that love and care can truly turn a life around.

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