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Los Angeles Woman Terrified As Cat Uses Speech Buttons To Say There Is A Stranger At The Window

Los Angeles Woman Terrified As Cat Uses Speech Buttons To Say There Is A Stranger At The Window

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Have you seen those amazing pet speech buttons and videos of people training their dogs to use them?

I’m always baffled when I come across such a video because the thought of a pet perfectly understanding its surroundings is just amazing to me. 

ginger cat
Credit: Instagram

However, I was even more amazed when I discovered there is a cat named Justin Bieber (yes, like the singer) who can perfectly use the speech buttons as well!

His mom Sarah introduced the speech buttons to Justin when he was just a tiny kitten and started the training right away. 

cat using speech buttons
Credit: Instagram

Justin quickly picked up on his first words and to no surprise those were his favorite ones. Since he loved going for walks he first picked up on the word ‘outside’ quickly followed by the word ‘bird’

It was just amazing to Sarah how smart and patient he was when it came to the speech training. Little did Sarah know something scary was about to happen… 

cat in dark
Credit: Instagram

Sarah decided to move out from her small LA apartment to a bigger house with a backyard where she wanted to build a catio for her cats. 

Her cats adored all the space and the huge backyard where they could watch birds and enjoy the sun all day. 

cat sitting next to speech buttons
Credit: Instagram

However, a few weeks after they moved in Justin started behaving weirdly. He kept combining words together that just didn’t make sense!

One night Justin slowly walked over to his speech buttons and pushed two words that left Sarah terrified. He first pushed the button that said ‘stranger’ followed by the word ‘smell’.

He then kept looking at their living room window, almost as if he saw someone standing there. Sarah bolted straight to the window and what scared her even more was the fact that no one was outside.

photo of cat using buttons
Credit: Instagram

Needless to say, she was absolutely mortified. Could it be that her cat was seeing ghosts? Over the next few weeks, it only got worse. 

Justin would walk up to his buttons in the middle of the night and press buttons like ‘stranger’, ‘window’, and ‘outside’. But every time Sarah went to check, no one was there. 

ginger cat indoors
Credit: Instagram

Almost two months after living in their new house, Sarah realized why her ginger feline was pressing all those buttons. 

Since he grew up in an apartment, Justin never really got accustomed to wildlife. Now that he was living in a house with a huge backyard all of a sudden he saw raccoons, squirrels, and even ferrets. 

The moment Sarah realized it was all about wildlife she couldn’t be more happier! It’s better to have raccoons than ghosts if you ask me!

Sweet Justin only wanted his mom to know there were a bunch of weird animals in their backyard. Isn’t he such a good boy?

However, watching the video of Justin pressing all those buttons sure is spine-chilling. Take a look for yourself!

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