Woman Saves Her Cat From A Venomous Snake Wrapped Around Her Neck Using Only Salad Tongs

Woman Saves Her Cat From A Venomous Snake Wrapped Around Her Neck

Rebecca Daynes never imagined she’d face one of the most terrifying moments of her life in her own backyard. It started like any other day until one look out the window turned her world upside down.

What she saw left her horrified – her beloved cat, Mabel, getting attacked by a snake!

The cat is sitting on the carpet and looking in front of it
Credit: Facebook

Mabel had been through a lot in her life – a feisty little fighter with a brain tumor that affected her mobility. Rebecca had been doing everything possible to keep her safe indoors, but Mabel, ever the adventurer, still found ways to sneak outside.

On this particular day, Mabel’s daring escape turned into a heart-pounding battle for survival, with the snake coiled tightly around her little neck.

cat with a snake around its neck
Credit: Facebook

There was no time to waste. Rebecca had to do something – now.

The sight of the snake made her stomach churn, but she pushed the fear aside. All that mattered was freeing Mabel, as she shared in an interview:

“I saw her walk past a window and instantly noticed the snake around her neck. I was obviously shocked and ran to remove the snake.”

The snake wrapped itself around the cat's head
Credit: Facebook

Running on pure adrenaline, Rebecca grabbed the first thing she could use as a tool: a pair of tongs. Her hands trembled as she sprinted back outside.

The snake was coiled so tightly it seemed impossible to loosen. Rebecca’s heart pounded in her ears as she worked, desperate not to hurt Mabel or provoke the snake further.

After what seemed like forever, she finally managed to free Mabel by unwinding the snake from around her neck. The reptile was injured but survived, slithering off into the garden or the bushland behind the house.

dead snake
Credit: Facebook

Rebecca scooped Mabel into her arms, holding her close as she checked for any signs of a bite. Fortunately, there were none.

Before the reptile slithered off, Rebecca managed to snap a photo of it and sent it to her son and a snake identification group for help. When the answer came back, her heart sank.

As it turned out, this wasn’t just any snake – it was an eastern brown, one of the most venomous snakes in the world!

The cat enjoys being petted
Credit: Facebook

Miraculously, Mabel appeared to be fine. Still, Rebecca knew the danger wasn’t behind them. Snake bites can take time to show their effects, especially from a snake as venomous as this one.

So, for the next 24 hours, Rebecca and her family took turns keeping a close eye on Mabel. They watched her around the clock, hoping and praying she’d be okay, as Rebecca shared:

“Cats can react differently, and the effects of snake bites can be delayed, so for the first 24 hours, we took shifts watching her for signs.”

The cat is standing on the bathtub
Credit: Facebook

By the next day, their worst fears hadn’t come true. Mabel was still her usual self, showing no signs of pain or distress.

It was a huge relief for everyone. Somehow, the kitty had made it through without a scratch, like the whole thing hadn’t even phased her. She even tried to sneak outside again. Rebecca shared:

“She clearly hasn’t learnt any lessons.”

The cat is lying in the dishwasher
Credit: Facebook

Looking back, Rebecca felt really lucky. Despite everything Mabel had been through – her health issues and this scary snake encounter – she seemed determined to keep going.

Rebecca joked in a Facebook post:

“Between this and her brain tumour, I’m starting to think she’s immortal.”

two cats are lying on the floor
Credit: Facebook

All this has made Rebecca realize how precious every day with her kitty is, as she added:

“We know her time left with us will be measured in months rather than years, but we are extremely grateful we still have for a little while longer.”

No matter how much time they have left, Rebecca knows one thing for sure: she won’t take a single second with her feisty, fearless cat for granted.

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