Woman Takes Her Dog For A Walk And Spots A Strange Figure Staring At Her From A Mountain In LA

One day, Veronica Shea was hiking her usual trail with her dog in the Angeles National Forest when something unexpected made her stop.
As she rounded a bend, she saw a huge dark shape climbing up the cliff. It didn’t take long for her to realize it was a dog, and something about it made her curious.

She decided to follow and ended up finding two other dogs, thin, hungry, and alone in the wilderness. Veronica couldn’t just walk away.
She had to do something for these poor pups but she didn’t know how, as they were too scared, as she shared in a YouTube video:
“We tried to get them in the car and they were not having it because they didn’t like people to be around them… They were super scared if you would get too close they would just run away.”

The three dogs were in terrible shape. Their ribs and spines were visible through their fur and Veronica, heartbroken by their condition, made it her mission to help them.
Over the next few weeks, she hiked up the mountain, day after day, bringing food and slowly gaining their trust. They began to eat from her hand, which was a small but important step.
She even gave them names: Princess George, Grace, and Steve.

Still, Veronika knew she needed a plan to get them off the mountain and into safety. Trapping them one by one was risky as it could scare the others away.
Unable to do it alone, she reached out for help, and a team of dedicated rescuers showed up, ready to do whatever it took.
They all worked together to build a special contraption, a makeshift cage, to safely transport the dogs down the mountain. It wasn’t easy, but fortunately, their mission was a success.

As they managed to catch all three pups, Veronica got very emotional, sharing:
“Once we got them I basically just kind of cried all the way down the mountain.”
The dogs were finally safe, but their journey was far from over. They had a long way to go before they could fully trust humans again.

That’s where Cheri Wulff Lucas, a renowned dog behaviorist in California, stepped in. She saw that the dogs were terrified, unable to be touched, leashed, or even approached without fear.
They couldn’t go to just any home. But Cheri’s quiet, remote property was the perfect place for them to heal.

Although Cheri hadn’t planned on adopting the dogs, she couldn’t let them go. She welcomed them into her family, and they fit right in with her other dogs.
Soon, the pups became valuable helpers in Cheri’s work as a trainer. They even helped another troubled dog, Andi, who had spent seven years isolated in a pen with no human contact. The trio noticed Andi’s anxiety and comforted her.
Watching them all interact, Cheri realized that Andi had found her place with the pack, so she adopted her too.

Now, years later, the transformation in Princess George, Grace, and Steve is incredible. They look like different dogs – healthy, happy, and well-adjusted.
George and Steve love to run and play with other dogs, while Grace, still a bit shy, finds comfort in her pack.
They now spend their days living their best lives, knowing they’ll never be abandoned and alone again. Their past may have been rough, but their future is nothing but safe, happy, and full of love.