Once Hairless And Fragile, This Texas Pup Looks Like A Completely Different Dog Now

tiny fragile dog

It’s heartbreaking how many dogs in America suffer due to human negligence and mistreatment.

It seems like everyone wants a pet these days, but when it comes to providing proper care, far too many people fall short. 

Some tie their dogs up, stripping them of their freedom – while others do far worse.

Thankfully, there are far more kindhearted people willing to step up, rescue these animals, and give them the love and care they deserve.

Because of them, countless animals get a second chance at life, proving just how powerful and transforming love can actually be.

The pup in today’s story knows this firsthand.

Once badly mistreated by her previous owners, she was rescued just in time – and her transformation is nothing short of incredible. Here’s her story!

She Was Chained To A Tree, Waiting For Her Suffering To End

When Barbara Zuluaga, a board member of A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue in Houston, Texas, first saw a photo of a frail, mangy, and severely underweight puppy, she was stunned.

The poor dog looked so unrecognizable that Barbara couldn’t even tell what breed she was.

Recalling that moment in an interview, she shared:

“I thought that she was a Chihuahua or some other small breed. She was just covered in mange, and it was very hard to tell.”

The puppy, estimated to be about eight months old at the time, was actually a Staffordshire Terrier mix.

But due to extreme malnutrition and neglect, she was barely half the size she should have been.

Ziva, the young pup, arrived at the BARC Animal Shelter in Houston after being found chained to a tree on a nearby property.

She was emaciated, covered in mange, and had painful sores all over her fragile body. Her paws were rubbed raw, likely from trying to free herself.

Barbara was devastated by Ziva’s condition. In an interview, she shared:

“For a dog to get the injuries that she had – the mange and malnourishment – they have to be kept in a certain state for a long time, so it’s really obvious that she suffered.”

On top of her physical pain, Ziva was terrified of people, trembling constantly. She desperately needed someone to show her kindness and love.

A Foster Home Of Her Dreams

Determined to help Ziva, Barbara immediately pulled her from the shelter and took her straight to the vet for much-needed treatment.

While there, one of the veterinary technicians, Stephanie Williams, instantly fell in love with the fragile pup.

When the time came for Ziva to leave, Stephanie couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye. She later shared:

“It broke my heart to think about her leaving, and I wanted to be a part of her recovery.”

So, without hesitation, she volunteered to foster her sweet new friend.

Ziva spent about two months living with Stephanie, and during that time, her transformation was remarkable.

She gained weight, her fur grew back, and, most importantly, she finally experienced what it meant to be loved.

Stephanie shared in an interview:

“She got to see what it was like to be in a home, and how to eat out of a dog bowl and drink out of a dog water bowl and sleep in a bed and how to jump up on the couch. She did really, really well overcoming the adversities and the challenges that had been set before her, and I’m proud of her.”

Ziva was thriving in her foster home, soaking up every moment of comfort and care.

But as she continued to blossom, the time to find her a forever home was fast approaching – leaving Barbara with a difficult decision to make.

The Perfect Forever Human

Although many people were interested in adopting Ziva, Barbara wasn’t willing to settle for just any home.

She knew this sweet girl needed – and deserved – a kind, experienced owner who could provide her with the life she had always been deprived of.

Thankfully, she found the perfect match!

“A lady wrote to me and said that she heard Ziva’s story and really connected to it. She’d previously rehabilitated dogs, and we had no doubt that she’d be the perfect adopter.”

And just like that, Ziva found her forever human – a woman from Fort Worth, Texas, named Cassie Rogers.

Cassie instantly fell in love with Ziva. She renamed her Roxy and made a heartfelt promise to give her the life she had always deserved.

In her forever home, sweet Roxy continued to thrive, transforming into a completely unrecognizable dog.

Her journey is proof of the incredible power of love and care. When an animal is truly loved, anything is possible!

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