Construction Worker Stunned To Spot A Face Sticking Out Of Mud, Ends Up Saving A Precious Life

kangaroo in mud

One day, a construction worker was walking past a muddy field near an airport when something unusual caught his eye: two ears, barely visible above the thick sludge.

His stomach dropped. Something was trapped.

As he stepped closer, he realized it was a kangaroo stuck in the mud. Covered from head to toe and barely able to move, she needed help fast.

kangaroo in mud
Source: Facebook

Without wasting a second, the worker grabbed his phone and called The Wildlife Rescuers. Three volunteers, Jen, Leonie, and Chelsea, rushed to the scene.

When they arrived, the sight was heartbreaking. The kangaroo lay still. Her body was sunken into the mud and her strength completely drained, as the rescue shared in a Facebook post:

“Upon arrival, we saw how exhausted she was, barely moving & looking defeated. The thick mud covered every crevice of her tiny body. It was obvious that she’d been there a while.”

kangaroo stuck in a mud
Source: Facebook

No one could say for sure how she ended up in such a terrible situation. She might have misjudged the ground beneath her, thinking it was solid, or maybe she had been startled by a predator and made a desperate leap trying to escape.

There was no time to waste. The rescuers sprang into action, digging carefully around her fragile body, determined to free her as gently as possible.

The mud clung to her fur, making it difficult to pull her out, but inch by inch, they made progress. When they finally lifted her from the sludge, the full extent of her ordeal became clear.

kangaroo covered in mud
Source: Facebook

She was freezing, her gums pale and cold, and her body completely caked in mud. Even her eyes were sealed shut from the thick layers of dirt.

They wrapped her in blankets and carried her to safety to warm her up. But the mud was everywhere and she needed a bath as the rescue explained:

“Leonie began to clean her face to allow her eyes to open, working her way down her nose & mouth so she could breathe more clearly… We started filling our water bottles to clean the mud off her.”

people cleaning a kangaroo
Source: Facebook

The team then drove her to Leonie’s home, where everything was prepared to help her heal and regain her strength.

They carefully removed the thick, hardened mud and gave her a soothing bath to wash away the remaining dirt and help her feel comfortable again.

As the warm water washed away the sludge, the rescuers were relieved. Bit by bit, her fur emerged, and the kangaroo was finally visible again. It was like watching her come back to life.

people in bathroom with kangaroo
Source: Facebook

Slowly, warmth returned to her body, and she even started feeling a little hungry. When she nibbled on some Nutrigel, the team knew she wasn’t giving up, as they shared:

“The sweetest moment was when I placed Nutrigel on her gums and she began to lick at it. We knew she had a chance & had not lost her fight!”

The rescuers had reached her just in time. A little longer in that mud, and she wouldn’t have made it.

woman and kangaroo
Source: Facebook

Once she was stable, the team transported her to a wildlife shelter, where she could fully recover. With other kangaroos around, she started to feel more at home and even made a few new friends.

She’s been there for a month now, getting stronger every day. And pretty soon, she’ll be ready to head back to the wild, where she belongs.

All of this was possible because one person cared enough to make a call, because the rescuers refused to give up, and because kindhearted people at the wildlife shelter gave her a second chance.

Sometimes, a little kindness is all it takes to save a life.

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