Rescue Team Horrified By This Abandoned Cat’s Appearance Waste No Time In Helping Him

Cats of San Bernardino is an amazing and dedicated non-profit organization that rescues cats and kittens from the streets of California.
Over the years they’ve been active, Jaina and Ivy together with their volunteers, saved numerous cats from what could’ve been a fatal outcome.

Recently, Jaina was informed about a cat in desperate need of help. Little did she know how bad his state actually was…

Once her team arrived at where the poor boy was hiding they were horrified by his appearance. The poor soul had extremely matted fur and he seemed like he was in pain.

Jaina’s team failed to catch him that day since he was terrified of humans. Although he used to be an indoor cat, once his family abandoned him the poor boy lost all his trust.
Determined to help him, Jaina came back the next morning and placed a trap. Fortunately, he walked right in and his rescuers named him Aegis. As Jaina posted on Instagram:
“Although he didn’t want to be caught, he is very sweet to his caretaker and had an indoor family life before. After he decompresses, we’re sure he will be a sweetheart with us, too.”

They immediately rushed him to the vet and once his matted fur was removed, Jaina received some shocking news.
In addition to being FIV positive, they found something else that worried Jaina and her team. As she posted in an update:
“A mass was found in the back of Aegis’ throat. The mass is most likely why he wasn’t grooming and had those huge mats. The mass was removed and has been sent away to see if it is cancerous.”

Heartbroken by the news, Jaina brought Aegis home where he could rest. The vet informed them that he was about 10 years old, and Jaina hoped with all her heart he would spend the rest of his days as a happy and healthy senior cat.

After almost a week, the test result came back. Jaina was afraid it would come back positive, but to everyone’s surprise, she had some good news. As she shared:
“Our beautiful boy got some amazing news. The mass in his mouth wasn’t cancerous! He does have a few other things going on, but they aren’t anything we can’t handle.”
Although he had to receive treatments for other health issues, with the amazing news they received, Aegis was now able to spend the rest of his life as a happy and healthy cat.

The sweet boy was scheduled for a dental since they had to remove all his rotten teeth. Despite all the challenges he faced, with the love of his rescuers, Aegis was slowly recovering. As Jaina said in an update:
“Our beautiful boy is putting on weight and learning to trust and love. His mouth is bothering him, which is to be expected. He is heading back to the vet on Friday to check the area where the mass was removed and hopefully get his dental scheduled. His hair is growing back slowly, although a little patchy.”
Once Aegis fully recovers Jaina will find him a forever home, where he will be loved and taken care of! Make sure to follow Jaina and her team over on Instagram!