20 Spooktacular Costumes That Will Get Your Cat In The Halloween Spirit

Halloween is hands down one of our favorite celebrations in the USA. Who can resist the allure of dressing up, throwing epic parties, and diving into mountains of sweet treats?
But let’s face it, our furry feline pals in those cute pet costumes might not be as thrilled as we are.
However, getting our pets involved is all part of the Halloween fun. Dressing up your cat might not be the simplest task, but the end result is totally worth it.
You won’t believe the incredible transformations these cat outfits can achieve, turning your little feline friend into a fearsome shark, a heroic superhero, a spooky spider, or even a mischievous villain.
Quick note: Always remember that you should never coerce your cat into wearing a Halloween costume just for giggles, as it can stress them out. Only go for it if your kitty is cool with it, it’s similar to a cat harness, and it doesn’t harm them in any way. Let’s keep it fun for everyone!
1. Supercat

2. Trump

3. Shark!!!

4. The Little Mer…cat?

5. “This Is My Cat Minion”

6. Arrr!

7. Mr. White?

8. Cat Flinstone

9. Wonder Feline

10. Kit Cat
11. Bacon Cat

12. Are They Furriends Or Are They Enemies?

13. “My Mother Torturing My Male Cat”

14. If “The Evil Dead” Had A Cat

15. You Are What You Eat

16. Punk Is Not Dead

17. It Seems Like This Cat Is Not A Fan Of Halloween

18. Spider Cat

19. Another Cat That’s Not A Costume Fan

20. BatCat