Man Notices A Black Spot On The Road Only To Realize It’s A Crying Creature In Distress

kitten on the road

Believe it or not, a cat’s color can significantly impact its fate. A study conducted in two Kentucky shelters found that black cats are the most frequently abandoned and have the lowest adoption rates.

Whether it is because of the age-old superstitions or not, what’s truly sad is that this tiny black kitten was one of the abandoned ones too.

However, a fortune smiled upon him when a reasonable and compassionate man stopped to offer him a helping hand.

black kitten on the road
Credit: TikTok

While Brian was driving home, a tiny black spot on the road caught his attention. Curious, he slowed down and pulled over to see what it was.

But, after approaching, he was left in awe. What he thought was just a black spot turned out to be a tiny black kitten, who immediately began crying for help.

close-up photo of the black kitten
Credit: TikTok

The poor kitten was there all alone and terrified, clearly needing help. Brian couldn’t bear to leave the kitten behind, so he gently scooped him up, determined to give him the help he so desperately needed.

Once in the car, the kitten found comfort in the arms of Brian’s wife, seemingly ready to embrace a new chapter in life. But, what was the future holding for this furry soul?

woman cuddling a kitten
Credit: TikTok

Brian brought the kitten home to give him the necessary help, but little did he know he was about to warm up to the kitten.

What followed was the battle of his own thoughts. Brian already had two cats and didn’t want a third one. 

hand petting the kitten
Credit: TikTok

But, on the other hand, the thought of surrendering the kitten to a shelter, where his chances of adoption were slim, was unbearable. He shared with We Love Animals:

“I really couldn’t stand the thought of him being in a cage, waiting for a home. There’s no way we’re gonna leave this poor kitten.”

These thoughts led to one final decision only – adopting the black kitten. Brian and his family agreed to keep the kitten and give him the best life possible. 

kitten being held
Credit: TikTok

Thanks to Brian’s compassionate act, this black kitten not only escaped the dangers of the road and an uncertain future in a shelter but also found a forever home. 

Now, he thrives with his human family and feline siblings in a loving home, proving just how fortunate he truly is.

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