Guy Finds A ‘Pitiful’ Cat Sitting On Cardboard But A Hilarious Note Reveals Her True Motives

I recently came across a hilarious story about one clever kitty, and I just had to share it with you!
While walking past a grocery store, a Reddit user named Frameset stumbled upon a curious sight. It was a black-and-white cat stranded in a patch of dirt by the building.
At first glance, she appeared to be a lost stray – unattended, possibly hungry, and looking for a little bit of kindness. It was the kind of situation that might make anyone stop and wonder if they should help.
But as Frameset got closer, he started to realize this was no ordinary cat in need. There was something odd about the whole situation – a little twist that made this encounter much more amusing than it first seemed.

As it turned out, this cat wasn’t just lounging carelessly on the ground. Oh no, she knew exactly what she was doing.
Rather than just lying in a random spot, she carefully arranged herself on a makeshift bed of cardboard, almost like she was getting cozy for an afternoon nap.
But it wasn’t just the bed that caught the man’s attention – it was the message tucked under one of the cardboard pieces, that read:
“Please do not feed the black and white cat. My name is Lili and I have a home on Kenyon [the next street over]. I am an actress! I like attention! I like food! It is very kind of you, but please stop feeding me, because I will spend less time at home. Thank you.”

It turns out, Lili wasn’t a stray at all! She wasn’t some poor little cat who had been abandoned on the side of the road.
In fact, she was a well-cared-for, pampered pet who just knew how to play the part of a sad, abandoned feline. Her owners must have had quite the character on their hands, a cat who was as playful and attention-hungry as they come.
The whole situation made people smile. One person joked, commenting on Frameset’s post:
“If that cat could read she’d be very upset.”
And another pointed out:
“I think half the problem is she sits in places that make it look like she needs help.”

In reality, Lili was happy and loved by her family. She wasn’t looking for scraps or food from strangers – she was basically living out her own personal drama in the streets, drawing attention from everyone who passed by.
It was evident that Lili was the type of cat who had figured out the human world and how to work it to her advantage.Her story quickly became a hit, with people laughing at how well she had played her role. Lili was clearly an actress who knew how to steal the spotlight. And in her own way, she’d achieved just what she wanted – everyone was talking about her!