This Indoor Cat Totally Regrets His Outdoor Escapade After Figuring Out What A Mistake It Was

indoor cat escaping

We’ve all come across those funny videos online where cats seem to defy gravity and squeeze into the tiniest spots. 

Sometimes, their adventurous nature gets the best of them, especially when it comes to the tempting outdoors. 

Indoor cats, living their cozy lives with plenty of treats, can’t help but be drawn to the mysteries outside, like the rustling leaves and the (hopefully) not-so-scary squirrels.

Well, this is the story of Simba, an orange tabby who, driven by his curious cat instincts, decided to explore the wild side. 

cat escaping
Credit: TikTok

One rainy day, the chance came knocking (or maybe the door just opened a little), and Simba jumped at it. Freedom, what a wonderful thought! Well, maybe not so wonderful.

At first, Simba probably imagined himself as a brave hunter, sneaking up on birds and taking on the big city. But the truth, as shown in the now-famous TikTok video by his owner, was quite different.

There he was, awkwardly balanced on a cold, wet roof, with rain pouring down all around him, with his fur stuck to his body. The excitement of escaping had faded, replaced by a chilling realization of “Oh no, what have I done?”

cat sitting on the roof
Credit: TikTok

Simba’s meows, which used to be full of playfulness and a bit demanding, now sounded really sad and desperate. Each sad cry was like a song of regret, ringing out in the heavy rain. 

You could almost hear him thinking, “Meowmy was right; opening that can is way better than chasing pigeons in this downpour.” Luckily, his owner noticed him right away and rushed to help.

With 16.9 million views and tons of comments, the video struck a chord with cat lovers everywhere. 

indoor cat on the roof
Credit: TikTok

We’ve all been there – the mad dash to shut the door before our cat makes a run for it, or keeping a close eye on them when friends come over. It’s a never-ending struggle against our sneaky little escape artists.

However, Simba’s story is both funny and heartwarming. Even though his escape was a silly mistake, it shows how much he loves his home and his owner. 

It reminds us that while cats might want to explore, nothing beats curling up in a cozy lap with a full bowl of food when things get too crazy outside.

scared cat on the roof
Credit: TikTok

Simba, being the adventurous cat he is, hasn’t completely figured it out yet. He still tries to sneak out, but now he’s a bit smarter about it. No more escaping on rainy days, and he seems to have given up on trying to jump out of windows.

So, what can we take away from Simba’s little adventure? For cat owners, it’s a good idea to be careful with doors and windows. You might want to think about getting a cat enclosure or “catio” so your furry friend can enjoy the outdoors safely. 

Most importantly, remember that even the most curious cats really just want the love and comfort of their humans. 

So, the next time your cat looks at you with those big, hopeful eyes by the door, give them an extra cuddle and a fun toy – a little indoor fun is probably all they really want.

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