Washington Woman Heard Her Cats’ Frantic Cries, Not Prepared For The Scene That Followed

cat crying

It was just another ordinary morning when Ashley Saldana, a cat mom from Maple Valley, Washington, suddenly heard frantic cries echoing from her living room. Something was wrong.

She rushed over, not knowing what to expect. What she saw melted her heart, and soon after, millions of others.

Ashley’s two cats, Pudding and Poppy, had been up to their usual mischief, but this time, things had taken an unexpected turn. Poppy had somehow got trapped under a cardboard box, and her sister, Pudding, was trying to free her.

cat and boxes
Source: TikTok

The determined little rescuer was gnawing away at the box, tearing it apart piece by piece, all while meowing anxiously.

It was as if she was calling for help, but when no human came fast enough, Pudding decided to take matters into her own paws.

The night before, Ashley had flipped the box over, hoping to keep her playful kitties out of trouble. But as any cat owner knows, if there’s a way to get into something, a cat will find it.

Sure enough, by morning, Poppy had ended up underneath it, stuck and helpless. Pudding, unwilling to leave her sister behind, did what any hero would: she started digging her out with her teeth.

woman hand and cat
Source: TikTok

When Ashley walked in, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. At first, Pudding’s strange meows had confused her, but then it all made sense. The sweet feline was scared, worried for her sister, and determined to get her free.

In the video text overlay, Ashley shared:

“I couldn’t figure out why there was so much crying going on. Poppy got stuck under the box so Pudding was eating a hole through to save her. Sweetest kitties ever.”

It was a tiny act of bravery, but one that showed just how deep the bond between these two cats ran.

two gray cats
Source: TikTok

After sharing the adorable rescue mission on TikTok, Ashley’s video exploded in popularity. People couldn’t get enough of Pudding’s heroic act, and within days, the video racked up over 7.7 million views and 883,000 likes.

The reactions to this heartwarming moment were priceless. Cat lovers everywhere were touched by the pure, unwavering love between the two sisters, as one person said:

“Awww she was trying to eat a hole for her to get out.”

Of course, some folks couldn’t resist making a few jokes about the situation, as one user shared:

“Knowing kittens, Pudding is also the reason why Poppy was under the box.”

two sweet kittens
Source: TikTok

Anyone who’s ever had a cat knows they’re absolutely obsessed with boxes. It doesn’t matter how many toys you get them, they’ll always choose the cardboard it came in.

I think there’s something magical about boxes to them. It’s like they see them as their own secret world. They’re cozy, fun, and just the right size for a cat to curl up in. And it’s not just about the play; it’s about finding a little space where they feel safe and secure.

That said, it’s not all fun and games. If you’re giving your cat a box, you have to make sure it’s safe. No sharp edges, no tape, and definitely no way for them to get stuck.

Poppy’s little adventure really brought this home – boxes can be a bit more tricky than we think. So always make sure they can breathe and have an easy way out.

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