Owner Asks His Kitty “Who’s A Good Boy?” And The Response He Gets Is Just Too Cute To Miss

I think most of the human population would agree on one thing: Dogs are the ultimate good guys. However, a few avid feline enthusiasts would undoubtedly beg to differ.
I know I would! All 6 of my precious fluffs are good boys (and girls) – no matter how many vases they break. Accidents happen even to the best of us, right?
All jokes aside, the proud cat dad we have today has just the right thing to break the abovementioned stereotype.
The video in question is essentially a compilation of various video snippets in which the owner asks his adorable black and white tuxedo kitty named Kodi, “Who’s a good boy?”

To that, Kodi immediately spurs into action! He either sits upright, gets on his hind legs, points with his paw, or meows. At one point he even wags his tail – just like dogs do!
The comment section went crazy for this smart kitty. One person wrote:
“Cats are the most adorable thing in existence, Such lovely animals!”
Another person said:
“OMG, I’m dyin’ here from cuteness overload! Kodi is SO smart and cute! That heart under his chin has got to be a gift from the cat goddess!”
The part I adored most about this video was when Kodi’s response was rolling over onto his back, stretching his whole body, and showing his belly to his owner.
Such a precious moment! He obviously loves and trusts him very much.
Many people in the comment section also agreed that sometimes it appeared as though Kodi was pointing at its owner. Like he was trying to say, “It’s you who’s a good boy, hooman!”
Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: Kodi is a great dog impersonator.
There’s also a video of him drooling as his owner is scratching his back. Does Kodi think he’s St. Bernard? Maybe “Beethoven” is his favorite movie.
In the description of this video, his owner said:
“He’s always done this since he was a kitten. Apparently, some cats, when they’re purring a lot, they just forget to swallow, so they drool uncontrollably lol. Kinda gross lol.”
Kodi also has a beautiful black feline sister, Shorty. Their proud dad doesn’t miss a chance to share some interesting videos or adorable pictures on their Instagram profile, documenting their everyday adventures.

To ensure you don’t miss any of it, make sure you follow them on Instagram – or YouTube, if that’s more up your alley.
Whatever you chose, I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching these smart and fun kitties thriving in their lives.
Also, don’t forget to let us know your opinion about this video.
Did you love it as much as I did? Will you chase your furry friend down your hallway saying, “Who’s a good boy?” Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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