If you thought that you could not tell a cat’s emotions just by looking at its face, then you’re wrong, and this male tabby cat is living proof.
Tuggly used to be a stray cat living the harsh outdoor life, and by the look on his face, you could tell that he was living an unhappy life.
Luckily, his life turned upside down when Katherine Meara took him in.
“I assumed he was at least over 10 years old by his appearance. It turned out to be wrong obviously, but he just looked so scruffy and sad compared to all the other cats, I knew I had to have him,” said Katherine.
At that time, Tuggly was actually only 5 years old. He was rescued from the street by the SPCA. When he arrived at the center, not only did he look sad and depressed, but he was also in very bad condition.
Tuggly had some pretty bad cuts, especially around his neck. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising to find out that he was terrified – and even aggressive – while in the shelter.

After he received the essential care he needed, he was put up for adoption. However, what worried everyone was that no one would adopt him because of his behavior. Luckily, that’s not what Katherine thought.
She and her boyfriend were looking for a senior cat for adoption to provide it with the love it deserves. When she saw Tuggly on the SPCA’s website she knew she needed to adopt him.
The shelter warned Katherine about his behavior, but she didn’t mind; she knew that Tuggly just needed love and attention to become a lovely cat. So, they took him in.
It makes me really happy to hear stories like this one. Wonder why? Because cats in this kind of condition need more time to adjust to their new life. Not just that, you have to be patient and give your best to provide the cat with the life it deserves.

Most people would just choose another cat after hearing about this cat’s behavior, but not Katherine; she believes that every cat deserves a second chance.
When Tuggly arrived in his new home, he wasn’t really interested and he was very nervous, but his paw-rents knew what they were doing.
Katherine said that Tuggly was frightened and that he would become very aggressive while eating, probably because he was starving for most of his life. He was also very skinny and his fur was separated and bad.
However, you can tell that the love of his parents was very strong because after only a week, Tuggly was a completely different cat. He just needed some time to start trusting humans after everything he had been through.
That reminds me of my sweet little Loo. When I rescued her from the street, she was terrified and didn’t do anything at all. But, after only two days, she realized that I wouldn’t hurt her, and she quickly transformed into a lovely cat.

Just like that, Tuggly was a different cat after just a week, and his transformation continued. Finally, after a few weeks, he started loving his new home and his parents. And not only did his behavior change but his overall look changed as well.
He’s not skinny anymore, and his fur is healthy and fluffy. Tuggly also doesn’t have that aggressive side anymore; he’s just a big lovely fur boy.
When he arrived at his new home, he wasn’t interested in exploring or anything because he was scared, but today, Tuggly is a curious boy who adores being the center of attention.
Katherine also added: “When we look at Tuggly’s photos from the SPCA now, he looks like a completely different cat.”

See how this scared, aggressive cat quickly transformed into a beautiful, friendly cat. That’s why I always say that every cat is special and lovely, it’s just that some of them need more time and a chance to become the best version of themselves!
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