Kindhearted Man Saves A Feisty Kitten From The Harsh Street Life

cute kitten

Stray kittens will forever break my heart into a billion pieces. Abandoned by their moms, these poor souls have to learn how to survive on their own.

Fortunately, the kitten from today’s story was saved by a kind man and got a second chance at life!

aggressive kitten
Source: YouTube

This kindhearted man is a cat lover and he spends most of his free time feeding stray cats in his community. 

One day, while he was feeding his feline friends, he came across a tiny black and white kitten. The poor soul was all alone hiding from all the cars dashing across the street.

man feeding cute kitten
Source: YouTube

The man immediately stopped and rushed to save the kitten. However, once he came close, he realized the kitten seemed to have a heatstroke since the day was unusually warm!

man petting very cute kitten
Source: YouTube

His savior knew he had to act quickly and bring the kitten home so he could cool off. The tiny fuzzball on the other hand was afraid of humans. 

He immediately went into fight mode and started hissing at the man. The kitten probably never had a close encounter with humans and he was afraid.

vet examining kitten
Source: YouTube

The man approached him slowly, holding a yummy treat in his hand. Once the kitten smelled the tuna treat, he had a sudden change of heart.

He let the man take him in his hands, while he was munching on the delicious treat. The kind man scooped him up and rushed him to the closest vet.

man bathing cute kitten
Source: YouTube

Luckily, the kitten was healthy and the vet advised the man to bring him home where he could cool off.

Naming him Tiger because of his feisty character, the two were now on their way to the man’s home. 

big cat and small cats
Source: YouTube

He gave the kitten a calming bath, cleaning his fur from dust and dirt. Tiger was now squeaky and clean and for the first time in his life, he had a safe home. 

Since the man was fostering a cat mom and her kittens, Tiger gained a furry family and he soon started playing around with the foster kittens!

cute kitten eating food
Source: YouTube

He was an active and playful little kitten and the man decided to officially adopt Tiger! This adorable kitten was now finally in his forever home, where his dad showered him with endless love and cuddles!

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