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Kind People Save Kittens Alongside Their Mom In A Heart-Wrenching Rescue

Kind People Save Kittens Alongside Their Mom In A Heart-Wrenching Rescue

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The man from today’s story is known around his neighborhood as the man who helps cats.

He even built a small sanctuary in his guest house, where former stray cats could safely wait for a forever home.

one kitten lies motionless on the pavement
Credit: YouTube

So it was no surprise when one of his neighbors called him for help. It turned out that a mama cat kept bringing her kittens over to that man’s house and he had no idea what to do with them. 

a man rescues a white kitten
Credit: YouTube

The rescuer immediately rushed to this house, ready to help the furry family in need. However, once he arrived a shocking sight awaited him. 

He found two kittens in the driveway, lying and meowing for their mom. The man rang the bell and once the owner of the house came out, the rescuer could see he was distressed. 

the kitten lies under the beam
Credit: YouTube

It turned out that during the night, mama cat scattered her kittens all around the house and the property. The house owner was unable to locate all of the kittens. 

The rescuer scooped the kittens from the driveway and secured them in a carrier. The house owner invited him inside, hoping that together they would find mama cat. 

The family assumed she was feral, but the rescuer soon realized she was just scared for herself and her kittens. 

the man holds the kitten in his hand while the mother cat lies down
Credit: YouTube

She found a hiding place in one of the bedrooms, but once she saw the rescue team she bolted straight to the second floor of the house. 

They rushed after her only to find her panting from fear and hiding in a corner. The rescuer approached her slowly, hoping she would realize they were there to help. 

a colorful kitten in a man's hand
Credit: YouTube

Luckily, he managed to scoop her out of her new hiding place and place her in a carrier. However, they still needed to locate the rest of her litter. The house owner was not sure how many kittens she had or how many she managed to bring over to his property. 

After a thorough search, they found two more kittens in the man’s backyard. Safely tucked in with the rest of her kittens in the carrier, the man was about to bring them to his home. 

kittens are nursing mother cat
Credit: YouTube

Just as he was about to enter his car, a group of kids from a nearby park was running towards him. 

The kids heard he was there to save mama cat and her kittens and they informed the man they had the two remaining kittens. 

the cat is sleeping with her kittens
Credit: YouTube

Turned out that the poor mama cat lost two of her kittens in the park, while she was trying to carry them over to a new shelter. 

The man immediately took the remaining kittens, happy they were finally safe and next to their mom. 

They drove to his house, where the small sanctuary was filled with other happy cats the man saved. 

In the beginning, mama cat had some trouble adjusting to her new environment. She was still scared, but with the gentle help of her rescuer, she calmed down and continued taking care of her babies!

Hopefully, this little furry family finds their happy ending and a forever home as they truly deserve it!

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