Iowa Man Finds Someone Unexpected Hiding In Tall Grass And What Happens Next Will Amaze You

kitten hiding in tall grass

When William went to finish a job on a local farm in Iowa, he had no idea that the cat distribution system was about to strike at him. 

William and his colleague stopped on a remote gravel road for a quick break after finishing their farm job. 

hand in tall grass
Credit: YouTube

While leaning on their truck, William heard some tiny, yet desperate sounds coming from the field. 

He looked at his friend, and without saying a single word, the two jumped into the tall grass to determine where the sound was coming from. 

kitten hiding in tall grass
Credit: YouTube

As they searched through the grass it soon became clear to William the sounds they were hearing were distressed little meows! 

William made sure to slowly search for the kitten, as he didn’t want to scare him away and lose him in the grass. 

close-up photo of kitten in grass
Credit: YouTube

Luckily, the kitten emerged on his own from his hiding spot and immediately hopped into William’s hands! Now this is the part that surprised William the most. 

He was used to feral cats around his barn, who never wanted to cuddle or anything similar. But this little thing acted as if he was waiting for William to come and give him some cuddles!

rescued kitten
Credit: YouTube

This is when William figured out that this little fluffball was there to stay in his life! As he said in a video

“Oh my, this is definitely gonna be my cat!”

kitten indoors
Credit: TikTok

Except for a minor eye infection, the kitten seemed to be overall healthy. William named him Iroh and the two soon created a special kind of relationship. 

William would take Iroh along for car rides, grocery shopping, and small errands around the town. Every night the two would snuggle up on the couch, while William would play some video games. 

kitten lying on bed
Credit: TikTok

He never thought that a tiny kitten would just enter his life randomly one day, but he’s so glad it happened. From being abandoned in a field to a loving and warm home, Iroh was finally safe!

If you want to keep up with William and Iroh, make sure to follow them over on TikTok!

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