Pet Shop Owner Heads Out To Take The Trash And Freezes At The Shocking Sight In The Can

Over time, I have encountered many shocking and cruel stories. This story left me completely heartbroken, and let me tell you why.
A local pet shop owner was taking out his trash, on what seemed to be a normal day. However, once he came close to the trash bin, he heard a cry for help.
Curious, the man decided to investigate. As he took a closer look into the trash bin, he made a jaw-dropping discovery.

Buried in the trash, was a kitten. The poor soul was not only thrown out in the trash bin, but something far more cruel was in play…
It turned out that someone left out a glue trap and this poor kitten walked right into it. Instead of helping the kitten, they decided to let her suffer!

Luckily, the most kind-hearted man found this poor feline. Without hesitation, he took her out of the trash bin and started slowly removing her from the glue trap.
It was an extreme challenge to remove her from the trap since her whole body was submerged in glue. Slowly, he managed to set her free while she was crying in despair.

He took the kitten inside his shop to calm her down a little bit. She immediately started following him around, which was a good sign.
She still had some strength left and the man knew she would make it through.

However, the next challenge was cleaning her fur from all the leftover glue. In some spots, her fur was completely ripped out!
The man consulted a vet and they told him to use vegetable oil before cleaning her with water.
Determined to help, the man spent hours massaging her with vegetable oil. As he shared in his video:
“The kitten didn’t resist. They must have known I was helping them.”

Soon this poor soul started to look like a normal, healthy kitten! Her fur was white as snow and she followed her new dad wherever he went.

They made her a small orange sweater and named her Niannian. She was officially adopted and her dad took her to his pet shop every day!
She would follow him around, make biscuits, and observe the fish in the aquarium.
Her dad made sure she had all the treats and tuna in the world. Soon she became a healthy, chubby kitten.

Eventually, her true personality started to shine through. She is playing and jumping around with her new dog brother, but most importantly she is a real cuddle bug.
Her favorite pastime is just napping in her dad’s arms!

Watching this kitten grow up with this kind-hearted man, made my day. From being completely submerged in glue and thrown in the trash, to becoming a happy and healthy cat! One thing is for sure, we need more kind people in this world.