Los Angeles Rescuers Follow Faint Cries To A Storm Drain Only To Make A Shocking Discovery

Kind people in one Los Angeles neighborhood were feeding their local stray cat colony when a mysterious sound drew their attention.
The faint cries for help led them to an old storm drain where they discovered a familiar stray cat with her five adorable kittens.
Wanting to help the little feline family escape the storm drain and find a better chance at life, the concerned neighbors contacted Cats At The Studio, a nonprofit rescue organization in Los Angeles staffed entirely by volunteers.
The rescuers gladly answered their call, bringing their friends from Hope for Paws along. You know what they say, “Many hands make light work.”
Rescuing The Frightened Kittens

As soon as they arrived at the location, the rescuers made their way into the storm drain. The mother cat, upon seeing them, hissed and bolted, leaving her babies behind.
Inside, the rescuers found five gray kittens huddled together in an adorable bundle.
The kittens were a bit frightened but more curious than aggressive, wondering about the strange humans before them.

With all the necessary tools at arm’s length to prevent the kittens from escaping, the rescuers began their mission.
They moved extremely gently and cautiously, knowing that any sudden movement could startle the kittens who had no human contact before.
Once they reached them, one of the rescuers tried to gently pet the kittens – and they gladly welcomed the touch.

After a short cuddle session, each kitten was carefully placed into a cat carrier.
The next steps were to take the kittens estimated to be around five weeks old to the vet for a health check and find a nice foster family for them.
And, of course, they still needed to catch their mom.
Catching The Elusive Mother Cat

The rescuers knew that catching the kittens’ mom would be quite a challenge. Known for her excellent escape skills, the elusive stray had outwitted neighbors’ attempts to trap her for two long years.
This time, the teams from Cats At The Studios and Hope For Paws were determined to succeed. They devised a clever plan they hoped would finally work.

The rescuers decided to use the kittens as bait to lure the elusive mother cat into a humane trap set near the cat carrier.
They left a tray of food nearby, crossed their fingers, and anxiously waited, hoping she would soon make an appearance.
They waited for hours, but the mom cat was nowhere to be seen. Since the kittens remained quiet, the rescuers played meowing sounds from YouTube, hoping to draw her back.
However, the clever stray was not easily fooled.

Eventually, the rescuers had no choice but to abort their mission and transport the starving kittens to the shelter for food and care.
Meanwhile, two dedicated rescuers stayed behind near the storm drain to monitor the trap, patiently waiting in case the mother cat decided to return.
Chance For A Better Life

Hope For Paws found a loving foster home for the five kittens – Zazu, Rafiki, King, Tiifu, and Sarafina.
The rescuers were thrilled with how well the kittens were doing and were confident they’d soon find their forever homes.
Meanwhile, volunteers from Cats At The Studios successfully caught the mother cat shortly after her kittens were taken to safety.
After spaying her, they decided to release her back into her colony.

I’m so happy this story ended on a happy note. For a moment, as I researched it, I worried they might not catch the mother.
Thankfully, they did! Both the mom and her kittens received the happy endings they deserved.
Although they were separated, they each got a chance at the best feline life – something most kitties can only dream about.