Poor Kitten Gets Caught In A Glue Trap But His Mama’s Heartwarming Rescue Plan Saves The Day

kitten stuck in a glue trap

Every now or then, we find something unexpected at our doorstep. Sometimes, it’s a package we didn’t order, and other times, an unannounced friend. However, this family discovered quite a different surprise – two furry visitors!

As it turned out, a stray cat brought her kitten to their home. The moment she spotted them, she ran away, leaving her baby at the doorstep. Questions raced through their head, why would a mother leave her baby behind?

This tiny furball kept meowing so sadly as if begging for help. When the family looked closer, they realized he was stuck in a glue trap.

kitten stuck in glue trap
Source: YouTube

It was evident that his mama couldn’t do anything to free him from the glue. So she entrusted these hoomans to save his precious life.

This poor kitten was in such a sticky mess and it broke their hearts to watch him suffer. The family couldn’t turn their backs on this powerless creature and despite the odds, they decided to help.

kitten with glue on body
Source: YouTube

However, they soon realized this wouldn’t be as easy as they hoped. With no prior experience in this matter, they had no idea how to remove the sticky trap.

So they searched for a solution online and found great advice! According to their research, using a hairdryer helps remove the glue. Without a second thought, they got to work, eager to make their buddy clean.

kitten with glue on full body
Source: YouTube

This proved partially successful as they managed to remove the glue trap, but not the remaining glue on his fur. They tried again, this time with olive oil. However, even after several attempts, they faced the same outcome.

It was really hard to clean this kitty since his whole body was stuck in glue. Yet, his caring new family refused to give up.

woman with gloves and glued kitten
Source: YouTube

After all, his mama entrusted them to save her baby’s life, who would help this poor thing if not them?

The little fellow was so patient and cooperative the whole time. His resilience warmed everyone’s hearts, it was as if he understood they were helping him. So they made a pause to reward his bravery and let him rest a bit.

glued kitten
Source: YouTube

Then came one of their neighbors with a brilliant tip. The woman suggested vegetable oil and flour for a total cleanse. Would this finally do the trick?

Most definitely! It worked perfectly and two more rounds of glue removal and a warm bath later, the kitten was finally free of glue. Everybody was so happy to see him look like a normal, healthy kitten.

cleaning glued kitten
Source: YouTube

As they washed and dried his tiny body, the family noticed someone peering from a distance. It was his mama checking on her beloved kitten.

This concerned mommy kept a watchful eye all the time. She was hiding away and returning as the family bathed her baby, her worries becoming smaller with each passing moment.

fully healed kitten
Source: YouTube

When they finished cleaning her baby, she came and took him with her, with gratitude shining in her eyes for saving his precious life.

It was such a heartwarming sight to see, how this mommy cared for her baby, just like any loving parent would. Yet, it was sad to see them leaving.

mother cat and glued kitten
Source: YouTube

Two weeks later, these two kitties returned to the family’s doorstep. Once a tiny furball, the kitten was now a big healthy boy, reunited with his rescuers.

He sat quietly as they cuddled him and his eyes reflected his trust. It seemed like he remembered how they once cared for him and couldn’t wait to spend his life with his now fur-ever family.

sweet domestic kitten
Source: YouTube

Now it was clear that his mama recognized the huge hearts in this family and knew she could trust them to secure a bright future for her baby.

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