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Terrified Cat Found Tied To A Fence After Her Heartless Owner Abandoned Her And Never Came Back

Terrified Cat Found Tied To A Fence After Her Heartless Owner Abandoned Her And Never Came Back

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Imagine strolling through your neighborhood park to unwind after a long day, only to come across a heartbreaking scene: a cat abandoned and tied to a worn-out yellow rope attached to a fence, with no way to escape.

Up to now, she had been accustomed to spending time in a secure environment, sleeping in a cozy and dry place, and enjoying the delicious food prepared for her.

She never could have imagined that all of this would one day become a thing of the past. However, as her owner struggled with serious alcohol addiction and refused to seek help, he eventually decided that his pet was no longer welcome in his home.

abandoned domestic cat
Source: YouTube

That day began like any other for her. In her home, she had her happy corner with her bed and toys, and her food and water bowl were in the kitchen. 

After playing and running around, she went to the kitchen for a drink, only to find her water bowl empty.

Shortly after, she heard the door open and rushed to greet her owner as she did every day. But this time something was different. He grabbed her abruptly and carried her to the car.

After driving for a while, he parked the car, got out, and took a large chain from the trunk. He placed the chain around her neck and secured the other end to a fence outside an abandoned house.

domestic cat laying outside
Source: YouTube

The house is located right next to the road, so many people passed by, but no one paid attention to her. Days went by without anyone trying to save her – not even her former owner, who never returned. 

Even those who attempted to reach her were unsuccessful.

Her fear was so intense that she ran away from anyone who tried to approach. She skillfully hid from other animals, terrified that someone would harm her. Being chained, she couldn’t even provide food and drink for herself.

How One Passerby Earned Her Trust

woman feeding domestic cat
Source: YouTube

After a few days without food or water, a person appeared who, unlike the others, was persistent in trying to reach her. 

He attempted to approach, but she kept running away. She even tried to cross the fence to escape, but her chain prevented her from doing so. She growled in fear and it was clear she was anxious.

domestic cat eating a food
Source: YouTube

He thought it would be easier to win her over with cat food, but she refused. Despite several failed attempts, he didn’t give up. He brought her different food, placed it in a bowl, and stepped back to avoid frightening her further.

Though she was visibly hungry, the kitty ate cautiously, unsure if her days of hunger and isolation were finally over.

woman petting an abandoned cat
Source: YouTube

Eventually, the cat realized that the person offering food was kind and wouldn’t harm her. She allowed him to touch her, marking her first physical contact in a long time. Finally, peace and security appeared in her green eyes.

Shortly after, she noticed a pink box that was unfamiliar to her and began to explore. She walked carefully around it, sniffing it. When she finally mustered the courage to go inside, she began to sound happier.

sweet domestic cat
Source: YouTube

The cat was transported to the animal shelter in the same pink box, where she received the care she needed. This shelter aims to help animals like her who have been abandoned and have nowhere else to go.

Kitty’s Happy Ending

cat in the animal box
Source: YouTube

It is well-known that cats enjoy staying in enclosed spaces like this box. When she arrived at the shelter, she was hesitant to leave it, likely due to fear of what might happen next.

However, after finally deciding to exit her “safe zone” and having the chain removed from her neck, she began to explore the room. 

She quickly moved from one part of the room to another, checked out the items meant for her, sniffed the food, and even attempted to climb up to the window.

cat playing on a cats playground
Source: YouTube

Eventually, she found peace in the corner of the room where the cat tree with a condo was located, similar to what she had with her former owner. 

The shelter workers also brought food inside, and the glow on her face and in her eyes revealed that she had finally found peace and felt safe after a long time.

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