Owner Claims Her ‘Ugly As Sin’ Cat Doesn’t Need Rescuing Yet People Keep Doing It

Michelle Laver, a cat mom who lives on a boat, has quite an unusual problem. Every time she takes her boat anywhere, she ends up getting messages and phone calls from people who think her cat, Lulu, is lost or in trouble.
But Lulu doesn’t need rescuing – she’s perfectly fine. Michelle’s just trying to get on with her day without people trying to “help” her cat.
Lulu is a Cornish Rex, a breed known for its quirky look. She has long legs, huge ears, and curly fur that’s definitely a little different from the average cat.

Despite having a home with Michelle, Lulu’s unique appearance often leads strangers to believe she’s in trouble. Michelle is well aware that Lulu stands out, sharing in an interview:
“I’m not going to lie, they’re ugly as sin.”
But to Michelle, Lulu is perfect. It’s just that not everyone sees it that way. People often think she’s been mistreated or is a stray: they notice Lulu’s unique look and jump to conclusions, as Michelle explained:
“She’s a very unusual-looking cat. A lot of people think she has been shaved or she’s abused or is a stray, despite the fact she has an [Apple] air tag, a QR code – and she’s got my name on her.”

Michelle remembers one time when she was in Australia and kept getting phone calls from people saying they’d found her cat. She was frustrated, telling them to ‘just put her down.’
It’s not that Michelle doesn’t appreciate the concern – it’s just that Lulu has a home, and people need to stop worrying so much.
The truth is, Lulu is a real character. She’s a friendly, confident pet cat who loves meeting new people. When strangers come by the boat, she’ll often stroll right up to them, ready for a pet or a scratch behind the ears.
Michelle laughs as she explains how people will think Lulu’s a stray and try to take her in. Lulu just has a way of winning people over, despite her unusual look.

But it’s not all fun and games. Over time, Michelle started realizing just how much attention Lulu was getting, and how often she had to explain that her cat didn’t need rescuing.
That’s why she began posting on local Facebook pages whenever she moved her boat. She would introduce herself and remind people that Lulu was just fine.
Michelle is often busy and the constant attention on Lulu can make it hard to get anything done, as she shares:
“I understand it comes from caring but it gets quite stressful when I’m working.”
Sometimes, she even has to explain to the local vet that Lulu isn’t lost – she’s just one of a kind.

Lulu’s situation has made her a bit of a local celebrity. People stop to take photos of her, as Michelle shares:
“She’s such a celebrity now people come to take photos with her and post her on Facebook.”
Michelle never expected her cat’s unique looks would make her famous, but it’s hard to ignore her when she’s so friendly and approachable.
While Michelle thinks it’s sweet and knows that people’s intentions are good, it can also get overwhelming at times. What she really wishes is that people would understand that Lulu isn’t a stray, and she’s certainly not a sad, neglected cat.
Lulu is a happy, healthy cat, loved and cared for in a safe and warm home with Michelle – exactly where she belongs.