Michigan Homeowner Caught By Surprise After Finding A Random Cat In His Garage

photo of garage

One morning, a Michigan homeowner was caught by surprise when he came across four newborn kittens huddled together in his garage.

The kittens were all alone, but thanks to the kind-hearted homeowner who found them, their luck was about to turn around.

Apparently, a feral pregnant cat snuck into a homeowner’s garage to give birth to her furry babies in a safe place. 

About a week later, the homeowner entered her garage and was shocked to discover a litter of four: three torties and one ginger kitten.

Tragically, the mother cat soon disappeared and never returned. Moved by the kittens’ plight, the homeowner tried her best to keep them alive. 

She attempted bottle-feeding, but it soon became clear they required professional, around-the-clock care that was beyond her ability to provide.

Desperate, the homeowner contacted Kelsey, a foster volunteer of IndyHumane in Michigan, asking for help.

Luckily, Kelsey quickly stepped in and took the newborn kittens under her wing. She provided kittens with round-the-clock care and truly enjoyed the process, saying in an interview:

“Midnight feedings became the highlight of my day because they were so easy to feed, and we got to have cuddles and milk-drunk parties for a bit before bed.”

She named the tortie kittens Maybelle, Midge, and Maeve, who soon began to show some tortitude. On the other hand, the ginger kitten was named Mason and had slightly longer fur than his sisters.

Kelsey usually enjoys helping cats and kittens in need, but this time she had a paw-some assistant, Penny, a cat-loving resident dog. The kittens thrived under their care, growing stronger and beginning to explore and play.

At the end of the day, all four kittens would snuggle next to each other and fall fast asleep. 

Later on, as Kelsey needed to leave the town for a few days, her colleague Brett gladly welcomed the furry babies into her foster home.

Upon their arrival, they began exploring their new home and even met other resident cats, whom they instantly loved.

Their favorite kitty became Strauss, the orange cat. They would follow him everywhere around and fall asleep next to him while he was enjoying their company.

Over time, the kittens’ personalities truly started to blossom, and they even began learning how to cat by observing other cats’ behavior. Kelsey shared:

“Maybelle and Mason have started joining the 4 AM stampede down the stairs for breakfast with the resident kitties. Maeve stays back and sleeps in the kitten room a lot but will show up in the afternoon to play, explore, and cuddle. Midge still beats up Mason when she gets the chance.”

The kittens never knew their lives were about to change for the better, but they finally began to thrive, thanks to the kind-hearted people who refused to give up on them.

Once old enough, they will be ready for adoption and finally have lives full of love and happiness. 

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