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Rescue Cat Returns Favor In The Most Adorable Way Once His Dad Became Sick

Rescue Cat Returns Favor In The Most Adorable Way Once His Dad Became Sick

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Karin and Dave recently rescued an adorable black cat named Monkey. His story is unique, so buckle up to hear all about it!

Monkey was found on a rural property behind an abandoned shed, in desperate need of help. The poor soul had so many health issues that the vet believed he wouldn’t make it through the night.

black cat
Credit: YouTube

Dave and his wife Karin decided to foster the little guy, hoping that with their love and care, Monkey would overcome all challenges and find a forever home.

Although Monkey survived the first night in his new home, his battle for survival was far from over. His new parents stayed up with him almost three nights in a row, making sure the little fellow was reacting well to the medication.

cat on man's cheast
Credit: YouTube

Just when they thought they were in the clear, Karin noticed a strange cough, making it hard for Monkey to breathe. As she said in the video:

“Monkey had a very strange cough and the vet diagnosed Monkey with lungworm. So he needed a third round of antibiotics that took him a month to clear the lungworm.”

man putting up fence
Credit: YouTube

All this time, Dave and Karin had no intention of adopting little Monkey. However, destiny always has surprises in store for us, and it did for the two of them.

After Monkey finally recovered and overcame all the challenges life has thrown at him, his foster parents completely fell in love with him. As his forever mom shared:

“By the time he was healthy, we couldn’t imagine life without Monkey.”

black cat and a man
Credit: YouTube

His mischievous, but sweet nature convinced Dave and Karin to officially adopt him. His dad Dave even built a catio that was attached to their bedroom, just so he could feel some wind in his whiskers!

Sadly, his dad Dave suffered from a kidney disease and he had an upcoming kidney transplant. Can you guess who accompanied Dave to the hospital?

man and cat sitting on couch
Credit: YouTube

None other than little Monkey! They managed to bring their adorable feline companion along, and it was the best decision they made. As Dave mentioned:

“That was an important thing about bringing Monkey along. It is absolutely essential when you’re healing to have whether it’s a cat or a dog, but if they’re able to be with you in that time, it’s very helpful. So he was my emotional healing cat.”

While Dave was recovering from his surgery, little Monkey never left his side. He was sleeping next to him, constantly demanding some hugs which helped Dave feel better. 

It was almost like Monkey was returning the favor – providing comfort to his dad just as he did for him!

man holding the cat
Credit: YouTube

Dave and Karin hope more people start adopting black cats, as they are usually overlooked in shelters. As his mom Karin also adorably added:

“It’s impossible to feel grumpy, when you’re around a Monkey.”

I’m positive our little feline friends know when we’re feeling down, and they do their best to help us recover!

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