Rescue Dog Finds A Tiny Kitten On His Walk And What Happens Next Will Make You Smile

The story I’m about to share warmed my heart in so many ways, and I hope it does the same for you. Let’s jump right into it!
Tessa is a gorgeous rescue dog with a heartbreaking past. She was chained up in her previous owner’s backyard and it seemed no one cared about her.

This is when Carla came into the picture. She was not looking to adopt a dog, but seeing Tessa living like that made her change her mind.
Since then, Tessa has enjoyed the best life possible with Carla and her husband and recently she did something absolutely amazing.

While they were enjoying their afternoon walk together, Carla noticed that Tessa started behaving strangely.
Seconds later the family heard tiny meows coming from a nearby bush. A tiny calico kitten emerged from the bush and ran across the street from them.

Tessa started barking excitedly, almost as if she was begging her parents to go after the kitten.
Carla’s husband let Tessa off leash and the brave girl bolted after the kitten. She found the kitten seconds later and refused to move from her.

Carla had no other choice than to bring the kitten home with them. It seemed the cat distribution system struck again, only this time the kitten chose Tessa to adopt her!
Naming her Circe, Carla and her husband realized that Tessa found her soulmate. The two would play, nap, and eat together.

Tessa cared for little Circe almost as if she was one of her own, always making sure she was safe.
Carla never thought that her rescue dog would rescue a kitten one day, but miracles truly do happen.

I feel like Tessa was so grateful for her new life, that she wanted to make sure another soul in need would experience it as well!
I’m so grateful for Carla and the opportunity she gave to these animals in need! Make sure to follow Tessa and Circe over on Instagram.