Rescuers Fear Abandoned Kitten, Shot 35 Times, Was Used As Target Practice By Her Owners

x-ray of cat

A couple of weeks ago, a 7-month-old kitten was found abandoned and severely injured on a busy road in Michigan. 

The poor animal was lying helplessly near the intersection of Carpenter Road and Washtenaw Avenue, close to the Red Lobster in Ypsilanti, riddled with numerous pellet shots across her tiny body. 

A kind individual, finding her injured and alone, immediately rushed her to the Humane Society of Huron Valley, which gladly took the kitten under their care. 

They then issued a call for help on their Facebook page, seeking to identify the individual responsible for the cruel act. Describing the kitten’s state, they wrote:

“The kitten, now named Sugar, has numerous wounds across her face and body. X-rays indicate she withstood approximately 35 pellets shot from a BB gun. Sugar has several severe injuries, including on her eyelid, between her eyes, and throughout her small frame.”

They also added:

“Sugar is in the care of our medical team, and we have already moved several pellets embedded in her torso and one dangerously close to her left eye. Despite the severity of her assault and injuries, she is incredibly sweet and just wants love.”

The person who shot Sugar has yet to be identified, but the Humane Society of Huron Valley fears that a family member may have been responsible. 

Unfortunately, they believe Sugar used to be a family pet and that she was used as target practice. 

In a conversation with Michigan Live, Humane Society of Huron Valley CEO Tanya Hilgendorf expressed her outrage at the situation, stating:

“Someone who would repeatedly shoot a sweet, innocent kitten – one likely trapped somewhere that did not allow for her escape – is clearly a disturbed individual who needs to be stopped.”

These speculations have yet to be confirmed. Currently, the priority is that Sugar is responding well to treatment and her rescuers are optimistic she will recover fully and soon be ready for adoption.

I sincerely hope Sugar’s wounds heal quickly and that she ends up finding a forever family who will love and care for her like she deserves. 

No animal deserves such cruelty, and I hope those responsible come to regret their actions.

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