Starving Kitten Approaches Two Cyclists To Beg For Food And Finds A Life-Changing Adventure

skinny kitten begging for food

When Magda decided to go on a cycling trip with her best friend, she knew many adventures would follow. However, one particular event was something Magda will cherish forever. 

After a full day of cycling the two girls got pretty hungry, so they decided to cycle to a nearby city and get a quick snack. However, someone else had an empty tummy as well…

They managed to take just a bite before an adorable skinny kitten popped up and started meowing at them.

kitten begging for food
Credit: YouTube

Magda was completely smitten by the little intruder! However, she couldn’t help but notice how skinny she was, as she said for The Dodo:

“She was looking so terrible, like really skinny, really tiny. When we first saw her, we felt sorry for her and we felt the urgent need to change something, to help her somehow.”

woman holding a kitten
Credit: YouTube

She figured if they left the kitten in this small town she would not make it. She needed a vet as soon as possible and a safe place to call home. 

In addition to all this, Magda and her friend fell in love with the kitten and adorably named her Icky. They crafted her a small hammock from a scarf and placed it in a handlebar bag. Then the two girls decided to cycle to the next big city in search of a vet.

kitten riding in a box on a bike
Credit: YouTube

At first, Icky was hesitant about her new transportation. However, once Magda started cycling, it didn’t take her long to relax.

She started enjoying the wind and trusted Magda to take care of her! Whenever they went downhill, Magda closed the bike basket, so Icky doesn’t fall out. 

kitten lying in a bike box
Credit: YouTube

As the night approached, they decided to set up camp in a field. Icky enjoyed being inside the tent, because that meant she could cuddle with her new favorite humans for as long as she wanted!

two women and kitten in a tent
Credit: YouTube

Icky would follow them closely whenever they took her out of the bike basket. The trip was hard for the girls. They constantly worried about Icky’s wellbeing and her future, but Magda believed in a positive outcome, as she recalls: 

“We were quite convinced that somehow we would find a solution for her future.”

Upon arriving in the city, they rushed her to the closest animal rescue center. The lady working in the reception offered to share a post on Facebook about Icky.

woman petting a kitten
Credit: YouTube

It took only 5 hours and a man named Jim responded to the post. He wanted to give her a new home! The girls met with Jim two days later and were super happy about Icky. She had a loving new family, as Magda shared:

“And becoming part of Jim’s family was probably the very best thing that could have possibly ever happened to this tiny little street kitten.” 

man and little girl playing with kitten
Credit: YouTube

This gorgeous tabby enjoys her life with her new dad Jim and his family. However, if it weren’t for Magda and her best friend, Icky would still wander the streets searching for food.

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