Seven Lucky Cats Become Millionaires In A Stunning Twist In Florida

a woman left an inheritance to her Persian cats

Imagine loving your cats so much that upon your passing away, you leave them all your inheritance and a mansion to live in. Sounds a bit eccentric and over-the-top, right?

Well, for the heroine of today’s story, that was a purrfectly normal thing to do. 

An 84-year-old lady named Nancy Sauer used to be a proud Tampa resident in Florida, a successful businesswoman, and an avid shopaholic and fashionista. Sadly, she passed away. 

Persian cats lie on the floor
Source: Chloe Trofatter

Her departure affected many of her friends and local Tampa residents, but what shocked them the most was the unusual request in her will. 

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Nancy stated in her will that her 7 beloved Persian cats – Cleopatra, Goldfinger, Leo, Midnight, Napoleon, Snowball, and Squeaky – were to remain in their family home. 

Otherwise, moving and separation will only upset them, which is something Nancy wanted to avoid at all costs. 

portrait of a Persian cat
Source: Chloe Trofatter

Nancy’s friend, Yana Alban, told the Tampa Bay Times about the love her late friend had for her furbabies. 

“The deal is that the house was not to be sold until the last cat passed. She loved them so much.”

Nancy’s South Tampa estate was estimated to be worth $2.5 million dollars. 

beautiful house in florida
Source: Chloe Trofatter

Moreover, according to Sherry Silk, an executive director of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Nancy also left her cats with an “undefined” inheritance to cover all of their needs. Sherry said: 

“[It was] substantial…enough to cover the cats’ food, medical, and grooming bills forever. They’re young. They’re only 5 years old. Persians can be expensive and persnickety.”

No one can deny it: This saint of a lady really made sure her fluffballs were taken care of. 

white persian cat behind the fence
Source: Chloe Trofatter

All 7 of Nancy’s cats lived their luxurious feline dreams alone in the house for around 6 months, when a Hillsborough County probate judge declared they should be moved. 

The judge thought cats shouldn’t be living alone in a big house, but rather somewhere where they could receive better care.

portrait of a black Persian cat with yellow eyes
Source: Chloe Trofatter

Sadly, the cats went for adoption, but Sherry promised she would try her best to keep them together and find them a loving family and a forever home. She said:

“If you adopt, she left money to fund all the vet care, all the grooming, all the food, whatever these cats need. We’re going to take care of them because of Nancy’s request, which is great.”

Allegedly, Nancy left around $300,000 for her cats’ expenses. With this money, Human Society will be able to reimburse future owners. All they have to do is bring in receipts for any cat expenses.

If you want to find out more about this story, check the video below:

Moral Dilemma: Should Nancy’s Will Have Been Ignored?

Despite specifically stating in her will that she does not want her kitties to be placed in another home, that’s exactly what happened to all 7 of her Persian fluffs. Was that the right thing to do?

selling a house in florida
Source: Chloe Trofatter

Many people online were heartbroken when they read about what happened, and the majority of them wondered why couldn’t they appoint a live-in guardian. Because, who wouldn’t want to live in a luxurious home with 7 adorable felines, right?

What’s your opinion about this? Do you think they’ve made the right decision? Or should they’ve respected Nancy’s will? Let us know in the comments below. 

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