Trucker Duo Finds A Stray Cat On A Parking Lot And He Becomes The Perfect Copilot

Rescue stories in which stray cats find their new parents in an unusual way will forever be my favorite. I find the way the cat distribution system works sometimes absolutely fascinating.

Sheena and her husband Sam are truck drivers who spend weeks driving on the roads across the United States.
Unlike most truckers, they don’t get lonely as they have each other. While Sheena drives at night, her husband can rest and take over in the morning.

So one day they stopped to catch a break on a parking lot when something unexpected happened.
Out of nowhere, a ginger cat appeared and came straight over to the couple. Sheena, being the ‘animal person’ in their marriage, immediately approached the cat and gave him the cuddles he obviously demanded.

However, knowing that her husband was not the biggest cat person in the world, at first she didn’t recommend taking the cat with them.
To her surprise, it took about 5 minutes for her husband to fall in love with the ginger feline. Sam scooped him up and brought him inside the truck, leaving Sheena speechless.

After a cuddle session with what seemed to be the most cuddly cat Sheena had ever seen, her husband said in a video:
“Well, we can’t leave him here.”

Sheena was over the moon. For her husband to say something like this meant only one thing – he was mesmerized by the ginger fluffball.
Now, it’s not uncommon for truck drivers to have a pet accompanying them on long and lonely drives. At first, Sheena thought that the ginger feline belonged to someone, so they made sure to stop by the first vet office on their way.

However, no microchip was detected and it meant that he was just another stray cat that needed a loving home.
With his new name, Odie became the best co-pilot to Sheena and her husband. They’ve trained him to never go over to the driver’s side while the truck is in motion.

Odie spent his time napping and whenever a pit stop was made, he would go outside with his forever parents.
Odie has captured many hearts all over social media platforms, where his parents post regular updates on his adventures. Make sure to follow him on Instagram!