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Two-Faced Kitten Rejected By Her Mother Gets A New Chance At Life

Two-Faced Kitten Rejected By Her Mother Gets A New Chance At Life

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Every day, we come across many cats with different disabilities, but have you ever seen a two-faced cat? No, I don’t mean a chimera cat, but literally a cat with two faces? I bet you haven’t, but now’s the time for you to meet one.

This is Duo, a little black kitten with two faces who’s very beautiful and special. She keeps getting more and more popular.

Duo was born with a very rare congenital defect called Diprosopus, which results in a fetus being born with a single body, and normal limbs, but two facial features. Each face has a mouth and nose.

a man holds a kitten with two faces in his hand
Source: Facebook

Despite her unusual appearance, Duo has won the internet’s heart for a good reason. She’s a young feline who, despite all odds, continues to fight for life and survive.

Luckily, Duo is loved by everyone now, but it wasn’t always that way. Initially, she was rejected by her mother because she was born different from other kittens in the litter. 

a newborn kitten with two faces in a man's hand
Source: Facebook

I believe that the mother cat sensed something unusual about Duo, which led her to separate Duo from other kittens and completely reject her. I once had a similar experience. 

a kitten with two faces is sitting on the table
Source: Facebook

When my cat had her first litter, she rejected one of the kittens because it was in a very bad condition. Despite my attempts to persuade her to accept the kitten, she kept rejecting it. I did my best, but unfortunately, the kitten didn’t make it.

a black kitten with two faces lies in the grass
Source: Facebook

On the other hand, Duo was luckier than that poor kitten. Despite everything, he found her forever human – Dr. Ralph Tran, a vet who decided to adopt her. 

No one knew about Duo until Dr. Tran made her a Facebook page and started sharing her pictures and videos. That’s when the Internet completely fell for her.

a black found kitten with two faces is sitting on the couch
Source: Facebook

Despite her defect, Duo is doing very well. She’s gaining weight and keeps growing. One of the photo captions says:

“She’s gotten the eating thing completely figured out now and only makes a tiny mess when she eats!”

found a kitten with two faces
Source: Facebook

Some may perceive Duo as odd or unappealing, but I see her as a special and unique kitten who deserves the love of the whole world. I believe that true cat lovers will agree with me on this one!

a kitten with two faces is lying on the couch
Source: Facebook

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