Woman Breaks Down After Reuniting With Her Beloved Cat After 14 Long Years

Unfortunately, many cat parents are familiar with the feeling of losing their beloved feline companions, without ever finding out where they went.
Losing a pet suddenly without knowing if they are safe is a terrible pain I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
Ruth Armstrong, a woman in her fifties, endured this suffering for 14 long years until her life turned upside down one day.

Ruth was the proud cat mom of Elsa, a lovely black kitty, whom she adopted as a six-month-old kitten.
At around two years old, Elsa began venturing outside more frequently, starting her outdoor adventures.
Something outside must have been very alluring to her, as she bolted out the door every day.
Unfortunately, one day, Elsa’s outdoor adventures cost her her forever home; she went outside and never returned.

Ruth spent days looking for her beloved Elsa but was eventually forced to give up.
With a heavy heart, she accepted that her favorite fluffball wasn’t coming back, hoping she had found a loving home better suited to her needs.
However, Ruth couldn’t help but consider the not-so-pleasant possibility that Elsa had crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Ruth, Elsa had made herself at home at Hammonds, a local furniture factory only 25 miles away.

Elsa spent 14 years living at the Hammonds factory where she befriended the workers who ensured she had everything she needed.
The workers, who named her Booboo, fed her delicious cat food daily and provided a nightly snuggle buddy in the form of one of the night security guards.
Elsa might have stayed with the factory workers indefinitely had they not noticed an alarming growth on her head one day.
Worried it was a tumor of some sort, they contacted the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), asking for their help.

Allison North, an RSPCA animal welfare inspector, arrived at the factory and took little Elsa to the local vet.
The vet checked Elsa for a microchip and, upon finding one, scanned it only to discover she was registered as ‘deceased.’
Aware of the misunderstanding, the vet immediately contacted Ruth to inform her that Elsa had been found.

Ruth was overjoyed when she found out her beloved Elsa was alive and well. In an emotional video she shared on YouTube, she said:
“I cannot believe that she is home. When she first went missing, I looked and looked and looked for her for a long long time, and ultimately…I guess I gave up. But it just shows you should never give up – never give up! And it shows the power of a microchip as well. I am so thankful.”
Over those 14 years, Ruth never imagined her little girl would return home. But there she was – a bit worse for wear, as Ruth described, but reunited with her owner at last!
Ruth took Elsa to her vet for a thorough health check. After several tests, the vet informed Ruth that Elsa was in good shape overall and that the tumor on her head was easily treatable.
The vet also noted that Elsa had several small cysts, which could be easily removed, too.
However, Ruth decided against removing anything that wasn’t harmful to Elsa, explaining:
“I’m not having things taken off her that really don’t need to be because she’s now 16 years old and she doesn’t need potting around, especially after everything she has been through.”

When Ruth posted the news of Elsa’s return after 14 long years on her social media, many people chimed in with good wishes.
Most of them wanted to know one thing: Did Elsa recognize Ruth? In a joking manner, Ruth answered the question, saying:
“Well, I’ve asked her – but she’s not telling me.”
She pointed out that regardless of whether Elsa recognized her, she had always been an affectionate cat who cherished human companionship.
“She was always such a loving cat when she was young, and she still is incredibly loving.”

Ruth started a fundraiser for Elsa’s medical needs, and thanks to numerous kind benefactors, her tumor was removed!
As a happy and healthy kitty, Elsa spent around 10 years with her beloved owner Ruth before she sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe age of 16.
Her passing was sudden, and it broke Ruth’s heart. However, despite the sadness of losing her kitty for the second time, Ruth was thankful to have been reunited with Elsa after years apart.
Even though she lost her, Ruth was relieved that Elsa’s final months were spent in a warm home, not on the cold streets and that she was showered with the love she always deserved at the end.