Philadelphia Woman Discovers A Hidden Gem In What Everyone Though Was Just Trash

Woman Finds A Real Treasure Chest-er

Chester, an adorable 3 or 4-month-old orange tabby, faced a terrifying ordeal when he was hit by a car. Lying motionless on the street, many mistook him for trash. 

But one brave woman, despite her fear of cats, recognized him for what he really was: a treasure in desperate need of help. Overcoming her fear, she placed him in a box and contacted “The Black Thornberry” Animal Rescue.

the girl is sitting behind the wheel and holding a cat in her hands
Credit: Facebook

Nina Love, the founder of “The Black Thornberry,” was having dinner in downtown Philadelphia when she received an urgent message. 

A kind stranger had just saved Chester from being swept away like garbage by a nearby car wash. Without hesitation, Nina rushed to pick him up and brought him to Philadelphia Animal Specialty & Emergency (PASE) for immediate care.

beautiful kitten looking at the camera
Credit: Facebook

At PASE, Chester was diagnosed with a fractured leg and head trauma. He received pain relief and the care he needed to survive. As the shelter shared on Facebook:

“He was rushed to PASE immediately after we got him & they quickly evaluated him soon finding out that he had a fracture and was unable to move his LH leg.”

a kitten in a suitcase
Credit: Facebook

After weeks of crate rest, Chester’s follow-up X-rays showed he had completely healed. His feisty spirit had pulled him through! 

“Chester is doing well this morning and will soon be heading to foster to continue his crate rest. I also will be scheduling him an appmt with my primary dr today to ensure that all is well with him even after leaving PASE just to be on the safe side.”

cute kitten in a box
Credit: Facebook

Nina’s passion for rescuing animals stems from her own experiences with bullying as a child. Caring for animals gave her a sense of purpose, and now, through her nonprofit rescue, she provides second chances to countless animals like Chester. 

Her organization, “The Black Thornberry,” was named after the cartoon “The Wild Thornberrys,” where the main character speaks to animals – fitting for someone who gives a voice to the voiceless.

the kitten is sitting on the blankets
Credit: Facebook

Alongside her daughter, Arianna, Nina runs the rescue, advocating for diversity in animal care and tirelessly working to rehabilitate and rehome animals in need. Her dedication has touched many lives, including Chester’s.

Chester’s Happy Ending

a girl takes a picture with a cat posing for the camera
Credit: Facebook

“Our follow up X-rays and report back from the radiology stated he was completely healed and we were cleared to schedule his neuter. Chester is now packed and ready to go to his forever home!”

Thanks to the compassionate stranger, Nina’s quick response, and the skilled team at PASE, Chester found his forever home. He now lives a life full of love and safety, far removed from the frightening day he was left to starve.

two cats are standing on a scratching post
Credit: Facebook

“Chester has found his forever home with his lovely fosters who foster failed again 😉… I’m super thankful that he gained a few brothers who will love and protect him. They watched him heal after he recovered from his fracture from being hit by a car and welcomed him in with open arms.”

Nina summed it up perfectly:

“Every cat has a story, and it’s up to us to change how the story ends. In a home, filled with love and a place where they can feel safe.”

two cats curled up in a bag
Credit: Facebook

Chester’s story is a powerful reminder that treasures can be found in the most unexpected places. Thanks to everyone involved, Chester’s future is bright, and his story has the happy ending he truly deserves.

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