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11 Stunning Cat Photos That Truly Deserve A Museum Spot

11 Stunning Cat Photos That Truly Deserve A Museum Spot

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Here’s a sight for sore eyes. The finest form of art that should be in museums all over the world…

The following cat photos just have that something that makes them a perfect fit for any museum or gallery. They go beyond our feline friends’ existence and truly express their beauty. 

1. The Finest Chonk

chonky cat in light
Credit: Reddit

2. “The Hardships Of Stray Life”

stray family
Credit: Reddit

3. The Purrfect Portray Of Light And Shadow

light and shadow cat
Credit: Reddit

4. How It Is In The CATechism

Credit: Reddit

5. The Portrait Of Adoption

creation of a kitten
Credit: Reddit

6. Colorful Art

cat in bathroom
Credit: Reddit

7. A Perfect Autumn Painting Doesn’t Exi…

cat on table
Credit: Reddit

8. …And The Rest Is History

cat in the air
Credit: Reddit

9. Art At Its Finest

cats shadow
Credit: Pinterest

10. Purrfect Yin And Yang Symbol

yin and yang
Credit: Pinterest

11. Museum Exhibit Cat

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