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Fearless Mother Cat Defends Her Kittens At All Costs Against People Who Steal Them

Fearless Mother Cat Defends Her Kittens At All Costs Against People Who Steal Them

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In the busy streets of the Bronx, one brave tabby cat was doing everything she could to survive. Even though life on the streets was tough, she was super protective of her kittens, always trying to keep them safe and healthy. 

Sadly, her hard work was often interrupted by kind-hearted people who thought her kittens were abandoned and would take them away. 

These good Samaritans didn’t realize how tricky it is to care for tiny kittens, and their actions sometimes caused more problems than they solved, as The Little Wanderers shared:

“Of course, people didn’t understand that kittens are very fragile, especially when they’re young. Most of them were taken at two or three weeks old. Unless a person is an experienced bottle feeder, these kittens will die. And they probably did”

fearless mother cat
Credit: Instagram

As time went on, the poor mother cat became more and more upset with each kitten she lost. 

She started hissing and swatting at anyone who came near her space, but sadly, her attempts to protect her little ones were met with anger from the people living in the nearby apartment building. The rescue continued:

“So naturally, she would be as protective as possible, which made people in the building angry. They would throw pieces of glass and rocks at her.”

cat hissing
Credit: Instagram

Worried about the tabby’s safety, a group of rescuers stepped in. They successfully caught both the mother cat and her last kitten, saving them from this really dangerous situation. 

The rescuers were committed to making sure the tabby and her kitten were safe and taken care of. 

They realized that the mother cat needed to be spayed to stop her from having more kittens, and the little kitten would need constant care, as they added:

“Dear Mama, you will never have to grieve over stolen babies again.”

black kitten
Credit: Instagram

The rescuers pointed out that it’s really important to wait for the mother cat to come back before taking her kittens away:

“People shouldn’t take kittens off the street unless they know they can take care of them or be brought to a place where they can actually be taken care of in the way that they need. Always wait to see if the mother comes back, and wait out of sight from a possibly watching mother. Depending on age and how healthy the babies look, waiting time can be estimated from a few hours to a day.”

cat in a crate
Credit: Instagram

Meanwhile, the rescuers kept working hard to assist the stray cats in the Bronx by giving them food, a place to stay, and medical help.

They also urged others to join their mission and pay attention to the needs of stray cats in their neighborhoods. 

This story makes me think that we should all be more caring and considerate towards animals without homes. 

photo of cat in a crate
Credit: Instagram

If we team up, we can make the world a safer and kinder place for every living being, no matter how big or small. I just can’t even imagine how sad this mother cat must have felt after losing her kittens.

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