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Charming Cat Pleads With His Meows To Be Let Inside The Detroit Shelter

Charming Cat Pleads With His Meows To Be Let Inside The Detroit Shelter

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One morning, the calm atmosphere at the Detroit Community Cat Rescue (DCCR) was suddenly interrupted by a loud chorus of meows. 

Liz Haack, the shelter manager, hurried outside to see what was happening. However, she never imagined she would discover a scruffy orange and white cat in the backyard.

After closer inspection, she noticed this cat, who would later be named Sigmund, or Siggy for short, was in a rough shape.

cat walking on the grass
Credit: Instagram

Liz realized right then that she needed to help him since he looked really hungry. She thought the best thing to do was to give him something to eat, so he quickly devoured the food Liz gave him as fast as he could.

Even though he looked a bit rough around the edges, Siggy was super friendly and outgoing. He wasn’t shy at all; instead, he was excited for some attention and was more than happy to come inside. 

cat meows
Credit: Instagram

After a quick check-up at the vet, they estimated that Siggy was about 3 to 5 years old. Sadly, the vet also found out that Siggy was FIV-positive.

But that didn’t bring Siggy down! He remained affectionate and playful, always asking for pets and cuddles from anyone nearby. As Liz shared in an interview

“He was very outgoing. Even when I brought him inside, he was never shy or nervous. He was very vocal and demanded pets whenever someone was around at the shelter.”

cat staring
Credit: Instagram

While at the shelter, Siggy’s personality really started to show up. He was chatty, loved to play, and enjoyed being brushed.

Even with his diagnosis, Siggy didn’t let anything stop him. His loving nature made him a favorite among the staff, although he didn’t get along well with other male cats. Still, Siggy was a total sweetheart, patiently waiting for someone special to come along.

sleepy cat in arms
Credit: Instagram

After several months, Siggy’s wait for a forever home finally ended. A young man, moved by Siggy’s story, fell in love with him and filled out an adoption application. Now in a loving home, Siggy enjoys endless cuddle time with his new human.

Liz, the shelter manager, was overjoyed for Siggy. As she added: 

“He waited a long time for the right person to come along, and now he’s finally living his happily ever after.”

relaxed cat on the floor
Credit: Instagram

It’s really amazing to see how Siggy went from being a hungry stray to a cherished pet, right? I believe that every cat, no matter what they’ve been through, deserves a shot at love and a happy life.

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