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Terrified Kitten Spends Five Days Stuck In A Flooded Underpass Road, Crying Out For Help

Terrified Kitten Spends Five Days Stuck In A Flooded Underpass Road, Crying Out For Help

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Whenever an animal gets stuck somewhere unexpected, dedicated rescuers jump into action, often tackling countless challenges to save these curious explorers. This was one of those times.

For five long days, a kitten’s cries echoed from an underpass road. It was a cry that called out for help, growing louder with each passing moment.

photo of an underpass
Credit: YouTube

This tiny soul was trapped in a narrow and dark crevice. The rescue team stood nearby, worried.

They set up barriers to keep traffic at bay, hoping the distressed meows would lead them to the frightened creature inside.

Suddenly, the small kitten emerged from the depths and darted towards the food that had been placed nearby.

cat eating
Credit: YouTube

However, he gobbled up the meal in seconds and then disappeared back into the dark.

That night, there was silence – no sign of the little one at all. As dawn broke, the rescuers knew they had to dig deeper.

They inserted an endoscope camera into the ditch and spotted those sparkling eyes looking back at them.

cat stuck in underpass road
Credit: YouTube

It was a scared little kitten, just two months old, trapped in a space that felt so big and frightening. He must have slipped into the hole, seeking shelter from the noise above.

The team started brainstorming ways to help. The underpass was huge – maybe there was another way out?

They split up into groups, to explore the whole underpass area.

hand unlocking the door
Credit: YouTube

One group found a locked door leading to a restricted area. Luckily, with the help of the city, they got permission to go inside.

What they found was both alarming and heartbreaking: the space was flooded with murky water!

They realized that if the kitten fell in there and couldn’t swim, he could drown.

pipe in the wall
Credit: YouTube

Just then, a faint cry echoed from the depths again. Imagining this little one, lost and frightened, was truly heartbreaking. All he could do was cry out, hoping someone would hear him.

The team quickly came up with a plan to block the hole and set up a rescue operation.

An emergency vet showed up to assess the situation. Scanning the screen, he saw that the kitten was covered in debris.

photo of stuck cat
Credit: YouTube

They decided to lower a trap net into the hole, hoping the kitten would come to it. A light was shined to lure him toward the net, and everyone watched as he cautiously stepped out from the shadows.

The little one was curious but still scared. The rescuers slowly lowered the net, but as soon as the kitten saw it, he bolted back into the dark.

After several tries, they finally blocked his escape route. Suddenly, the kitten found a way to climb higher, desperately trying to find a way out.

rescuing the cat
Credit: YouTube

With careful coordination, they lowered the net again, and this time, it worked!

The kitten was caught and finally pulled up to safety, into the light after days of darkness. The team was so relieved and happy.

The vet assessed him and was glad to see that he was in good health, just a little troubled by the stones in his stomach. He must have been so desperate for food that he licked everything around him.

cat in a kennel
Credit: YouTube

With the darkness behind him, the little kitten was ready to embrace his new beginning – a fresh start and a whole new world waiting for him.

After a long and tough rescue, the team felt an overwhelming fulfillment. Their hard work and care had pulled this helpless furball back from a really scary situation. Now he was ready to enjoy the good life, just as he deserved.

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