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Bonded Senior Stray Cats Rescued Together, But What Happens Next Will Break Your Heart

Bonded Senior Stray Cats Rescued Together, But What Happens Next Will Break Your Heart

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Whenever I encounter rescue stories about senior cats, my heart breaks a little bit. These felines have never known what love and a warm home feel like. 

The rescuer from today’s story, Tiffany Dodd, decided to change the fate of two senior cats after a kind soul informed her about them.

two stray cats
Credit: YouTube

She rushed to find the cats and was soon left heartbroken by the sight. Both of them were in a desperate state, and one cat even had a broken tail. 

With the constant heavy rain, they were completely drenched and their fur was extremely matted and dirty.

stray cats on the street
Credit: YouTube

Tiffany spoke to the neighbors and they told her the cats were feral. However, once she approached the cats, Tiffany realized they were not feral at all.

The poor souls were just shy and tired from the harshness of street life. She named them Cupcake and Donut and was ready to save them. 

cat in a kennel
Credit: YouTube

Trapping Donut was easy as he was more forward and trusting than Cupcake. Tiffany transferred him to a carrier in her car and set out the trap once more to catch Cupcake.

With the help of a kind lady who let her inside her backyard, Tiffany managed to trap Cupcake, the cat with a broken tail. 

What was interesting about these two cats was the fact they were bonded. Years on the streets made the two become best friends and care for each other in tough times. 

two rescued senior cats
Credit: YouTube

Tiffany made sure to keep them as close to each other as possible, to ease the stress of being trapped. Little did they know, that night they would sleep in a warm home for the first time in their lives. 

Once Tiffany brought them home and released them, the two were skittish about their new surroundings. She made them a cozy place to sleep next to a heater, where they could dry off and get warm.

two senior cats
Credit: YouTube

This is when Tiffany realized the two were far from feral. She gently stroked Cupcake, and at once he turned on his purr engine! 

However, Tiffany noticed that Cupcake refused to move from Donut. He sat close to him almost the entire night and at first Tiffany believed he was just overprotective. Little did she know what was about to happen…

The next day she brought the senior duo over to the vet and everyone at the vet’s office was shocked by how bad their state was. 

stray cat
Credit: YouTube

Cupcake had a tumor in his mouth and the vet believed it came from the constant licking of his matted and dirty fur. 

Donut was in no better shape than him, and the vet made appointments for their treatments.

cat in a bad condition
Credit: YouTube

Sadly, that night Donut crossed the rainbow bridge. With many underlying illnesses he had, the poor soul lost the battle. 

Devastated that she didn’t rescue him sooner, Tiffany was more than just heartbroken. But she knew she had to keep fighting for Cupcake to find him a forever home. 

woman carrying a cat
Credit: YouTube

Luckily, the tumor in his mouth was benign and after they removed some of his rotten teeth it was time for Tiffany to tackle his matted fur. 

She believed that poor Cupcake was going through a restaurant dumpster as his fur was oily. 

It took her a total of three baths and hours of combing out his fur to remove all the oily and matted parts. 

During all this time, Cupcake was the sweetest boy Tiffany had ever encountered. He was patient and calm, almost as if he knew Tiffany was there to help him. 

cat lying in mans lap
Credit: YouTube

A couple reached out to Tiffany as they were following Cupcake’s rescue story. They’ve already adopted one senior cat from Tiffany and were now hoping to give Cupcake a loving home as well. 

Just days later, he was on his way to meet his new family. They welcomed him with open arms and Cupcake finally had a place to call home. 

Although I’m devastated Donut didn’t make it, at least he got to spend the rest of his days in a warm home, knowing his best friend Cupcake was about to find happiness.

Thanks to Tiffany, Cupcake the senior cat, could spend his golden years surrounded by people who truly love him. 

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