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Skittish Cat And Woman Bond After Losing Their Mutual Friend

Skittish Cat And Woman Bond After Losing Their Mutual Friend

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A cat-loving woman named Paige brings us a heartwarming tale about how she befriended a skittish feral kitten.

The story moved me to tears, showcasing how love and care can transform pretty much anyone.

Paige had a beloved tabby cat named Otto, and they had a happy life until a new family member joined them. Then, it only got better, at least for a while…

During a routine vet visit, while the vet was examining Otto, Paige inquired about introducing a new kitten. The vet paused and asked if she was interested in adopting. 

It turned out the medical staff had found a feral kitten outside the clinic, desperately needing a home. Although Paige was initially just seeking advice, she couldn’t resist adopting the kitten on the spot.

That day, Paige and Otto returned home with a new furry member named Kikka. Initially, she was withdrawn and frightened. But thanks to Otto’s friendly demeanor, Kikka began to open up. 

black kitten looking at camera
Credit: Paige Wallace

The two of them instantly bonded and became inseparable. They did everything together, playing, snuggling, and even grooming.

However, even though Kikka was relaxed near Otto, she was still scared of Paige, constantly keeping her distance. Paige shared in an interview:

“If I moved toward her, she ran and hid under the couch! It was a bummer, but her feral roots ran deep and she just didn’t trust humans.”

Paige refused to give up. She continued to offer Kikka different toys and treats and spoke gently to her, until one day, Kikka finally allowed Paige to pet her.

Still, Otto was Kikka’s safe place. She was never cuddly with Paige, only with Otto. But what happened next broke everyone’s heart.

black cat staring
Credit: Paige Wallace

Otto suddenly passed away, leaving both Kikka and Paige heartbroken. Paige was worried about Kikka who instantly took her by surprise. She shared the surprising news:

“Surprisingly, my feral kitty turned to me for solace. She started sleeping near me at night. For the first time ever, she purred when I petted her. One evening as I watched TV, she crawled into my lap and curled up there! We were finally bonding.”

Although losing Otto was difficult for both Paige and Kikka, they eventually found comfort in each other, cherishing the memory of Otto.

But, a few years later, a new person came into their lives. It was Paige’s boyfriend, who adored cats. He desperately wanted to meet and befriend shy Kikka. 

With a lot of patience, love, and treats he finally succeeded. Slowly but surely, the man charmed both Paige and Kikka and joined their happy family.

Now, they’re all living happy lives together, but Paige still talks about Kikka’s amazing transformation. From a frightened feral kitten, Kikka turned into a sweet and affectionate feline who’s now thriving in life, all thanks to their beloved Otto.

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